| | Through The Bible - 1 Samuel by Zac Poonen
Topic: Through The Bible Scripture(s): 1 Samuel | | Description: We need to learn both from the warnings from bad examples (Eli, Saul) and the challenges from good examples (Samuel, Jonathan, David). Saul started off a humble and faithful young man with God and God's anointing and lost the kingdom through lack of heart devotion to the Lord. David's concern for the little lambs, a heart of worship, and difficulties he experienced made him a good king.
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| | Through The Bible - 1 Kings by Zac Poonen
Topic: Through The Bible Scripture(s): 1 Kings | | Description: Zac Poonen shows how God's great need for our day is leaders and prophets. Leaders must have discernment, transparency, boldness, a good conscience, and humility. We can learn to take heed to the many warnings from the lives of great men like David, Solomon, Elijah and others. Imagine a book that begins with David and ends with Ahab! The book of Kings shows how important God's leaders affect the spiritual state of God's people. What could have been the result in Solomon's life had David last words been about marriage and godly leadership rather than revenge? Solomon teaches us about spiritual discernment and misdirected energies that end in destruction. Elijah gives various insights into the boldness that comes from God's presence and looking away from crows to God alone in spite of human weaknesses and frailties.
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| | Through The Bible - 1&2 Chronicles, Ezra by Zac Poonen
Topic: Through The Bible Scripture(s): 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra | | Description: Zac picks up on truths in the Chronicles that were not covered already in the parallel accounts of 1 & 2 Kings. Men of God are shaped by suffering and pain (Jabez), the anointing (Amasai), supporting others in ministry (David), listening to God (Micaiah), and seriously studying God's Word (Ezra). The lives of King Uzziah and King Hezekiah warn us about being puffed up with spiritual pride.
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| | Through The Bible - Zephaniah, Haggai by Zac Poonen
Topic: Through The Bible Scripture(s): Zephaniah, Haggai | | Description: Zephaniah lays stress upon the goodness and severity of God, spiritual leaders, and superficial revival. Haggai gets us to examine our fruitfulness and fix the "holes". The glory of the latter house (the New Testament) church will far surpass anything that you can read about in the Old Testament.
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| | (Through The Bible) Genesis 32-36 by Chuck Smith
Topic: Through The Bible Scripture(s): Genesis 32-36 | | Description: God has angels to take care and protect over us. Chuck smith recalls of some times when he believes and angel saved him from harm, he was consciously aware of the working of an angel. Jacob prays and reminds the Lord of what he said, there is something that is good to remind the Lord of his promises. When Jacob fled from his brother Esau he left just with the walking stick in his hand, but now when he has returned he had many flocks. In the present he gave to Esau was 500 animals which was just part of what he had. An honest negative confession is worse then a positive dis-honest confession. It is best to be honest when you talk with God, who are you kidding; He knows your heart and everything about you. There is no hiding of anything to God; everything is open and naked before him. Faith is not passive but active. But God wants us to trust in His ability to do His work. Jacob wrestles with an angel and would not give up and surrender, so when the angel saw he would not surrender he crippled Jacob. One of Jacobs thoughts was that he could always flee; now the Lord through this crippling has taken away this way of his escape in the flesh. This is an good illustration of what God has to do sometimes to get a person to a place of dependence on the Lord.
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| | (Through The Bible) Ruth by Chuck Smith
Topic: Through The Bible Scripture(s): Ruth | | Description: The time of the judges was a time of moral confusion and spiritual decay. It was a time of spiritual confusion and moral decay due to the practice of sodomy and other problems. The story of Ruth is an appendix to the book of judges and fits back to into the time of the judges. Though you may look at an overall condition of an nation yet God is working in a very special way. And the book of Ruth gives an insight into this. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth which is the biblical mode, but the humanistic viewpoint believes that man created God for our own needs. So man establishes his own moral standards this is very dangerous and is something is that is fully opposed to God. It is quite dangerous to fall into that trap because everyone really believes this and is doing it but we need to go against humanism and keep to Gods standard. God created man and established the moral standards for man. God is wanting to work in the lifes that have open hearts and minds towards Him.
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| | (Through The Bible) 1 Kings 1-4 by Chuck Smith
Topic: Through The Bible Scripture(s): 1 Kings 1-4 | | Description: 1 and 2 kings cover a period of approximately 400 years. 1 and 2 Chronicles repeated a lot of information but are just about the kings of Judah whereas the 1 and 2 kings take up most of its information about the kings of Israel and some of Judah. It is sad to see a person stricken in years when they age they become an invalid but God is still active in people of these days. God delivers us from circumstances but being a child of God does not give us super protection against trials and problems. If we know as a child of God that we will face problems like the rest of the world then in my problems God will be with us and we will have the assurance that God will see us through. What a hope that we have.. same as David saying: As the Lord liveth that shall deliver me out of all the distresses of my soul. God promises to us then what we ask, now to him that is able to give exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask. God desires to give to us so much beyond what we need just as parents desire to do to children.
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| | (Through The Bible) 1 Kings 17-22 by Chuck Smith
Topic: Through The Bible Scripture(s): 1 Kings 17-22 | | Description: We are introduced to Elijah the tisbite in these chapters. It has been thought that the phrase tisbite means that he was really not an Israelite but that is not a firm believable interpretation. He comes to the backslidden northern tribe of Israel with a message and warning of God for the people. It is prophesied in Malachi that Elijah will come back. When Gabriel came to the Elizabeth and foretold of the child to be born and said that John the Baptist would be in the spirit and power of Elijah. Elijah also did appear in the mount of transfiguration with Jesus. In the revelation there is a speaking of 2 prophets and one will be Elijah showing up before Jesus comes back again. This is why the Jews always set an empty chair for Elijah knowing that Elijah will come first before the messiah comes.
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