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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Success

 True Success by George W. Truett

Topic: Success
Description: nil
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 The Spiritual Measure of Spiritual Success by Carter Conlon

Topic: Success
Scripture(s): Luke 15:1-7  
Description: February 18, 2007 - As Christians we are left upon this earth to Glorify Jesus. We best glorify Him by allowing that which is the deepest embodiment of His character to be manifested in and through our lives. There is a longing in every lost person we come in contact with to come back to their Creator. Are our lives a manifestation of the heart of God? When we encounter people that God sends our way do they see and hear Christ in us? The purest measure of success comes when there is a true manifestation of God's love the individual people that God allows to come across our paths.
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