| | Salvation is Revelation by Paris Reidhead
Topic: Salvation Scripture(s): 1 John 5:10 | | Description: Salvation includes more than the convincing of the mind, it is also revelation by the Holy Spirit. In I John 5:10 we read what ought to be our testimony: "He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness within himself."
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| | The Future Salvation by John Murray
Topic: Salvation | | Description: Sleep is often a sign of health and contentment; but we should not be asleep when the house is on fire or when we should be working or when we should be praying; Paul speaks here about a sleep which is spiritual apathy, and says that even believers may need to be aroused from spiritual sloth; Paul urges us to consider the calendar of events and the passage of times; Paul looks forward to the salvation which will be completed at the return of Christ; that salvation is the hope and goal of God's people, who live in expectation of the resurrection; there is a date in the calendar when this future salvation will arrive; knowing that this appointed time is drawing near, we are to wake out of sleep; this should constrain us to pursue the love and integrity defined in this passage; time is not endless, but is moving to its consummation.
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| | Work Out Your Salvation by John Murray
Topic: Salvation Scripture(s): Philippians 2:12 | | Description: How can we be saved by grace alone if we are commanded to work at our salvation? We must distinguish between the salvation we already have in possession and the consummation of salvation towards which we are progressing; it is a distortion of the gospel of grace to suppose that we are inactive in the pursuit of holiness; we can become heretical not only by denying a truth, but by putting a truth out of focus; our working in sanctification is not suspended by God's working, for these two are not incompatible; our working is wholly dependent on God's working in us, and our working manifests that God is working in us; that God is working in us is the incentive and encouragement for us to work; the very willing by the human heart to do good proceeds entirely from the grace or energy provided by God; our actions in obedience to God's Word are pleasing to God, because the force to do these works proceeds from him; all self-confidence and self-congratulation in doing God's will is excluded.
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| | So Great Salvation by Paris Reidhead
Topic: Salvation Scripture(s): Hebrews 1:1-2, Hebrews 2:1-3 | | Description: A full view of all that has been provided for us by the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
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