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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Sabbath

 Honoring the Sabbath by David Wilkerson

Topic: Sabbath
Scripture(s): Exodus 16:22-30  
Description: nil
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 (God and Man) Entering God's sabbath rest by Zac Poonen

Topic: Sabbath
Scripture(s): Exodus 21:1-6, 31:12-17, Hebrews 4:9  
Description: What does it mean to rest from my works? Brother Zac shares a lot of personal testimony of how the Lord brought him from a life of unrest and pleasing others to a life of rest in Him.
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 Episodes In Life Of T/Lord 08 Healing On The Sabbath by Robert Constable

Topic: Sabbath
Description: nil
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 (Sabbath Miracles) 01 - Nazareth Grain Field by Ed Miller

Topic: Sabbath
Scripture(s): Luke 4:16-19, Matthew 12:1-8  
Description: Jesus came to rescue His beautiful Sabbath that became encrusted over with the barnacles of man's rules and traditions. Ed's introductory lesson touches upon the first Sabbath truth in the Lord's preaching on the Sabbath in Nazareth and develops the reality of walking with Jesus in the grain fields of life in which He satisfies our every hunger!
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 The Lord's Day by Aaron Hurst

Topic: Sabbath
Description: Sunday is becoming another ordinary day in today's society. While we are not required to keep the Old Testament sabbath, the principles of it still apply to us today. Those who don't set aside a day for the Lord don't prosper spiritually. Don't let the cares of life distract you on the Lord's Day. Our focus should be on the Lord, not our own pleasure.
Sermon Comments (1)
 Mark - Lord even of the Sabbaths by J. Glyn Owen

Topic: Sabbath
Description: nil
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