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SermonIndex - Promoting Revival to this Generation
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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Revival

 What Holds Back Revival by Don Courville

Topic: Revival
Scripture(s): Isaiah 57:15  
Description: Beginning with Isaiah 57:15 Don Courville shares what would hold back God’s Blessings? What would be result of a Church or Fellowship having God’s blessing in the past and losing it? What are the keys for reviving the blessings of God? This is a powerful short exhortation on the subject of biblical revival.
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 Three Priorities For Revival by Lou Sutera

Topic: Revival
Scripture(s): Habakkuk 3:1  
Description: nil
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 Revive Us Again by Duncan Campbell

Topic: Revival
Scripture(s): Psalms 85, 2 Chronicles 7:14  
Description: This is not so much a teaching as it is the groanings of a burdened heart to exalt God above man to His rightful place in revival. Campbell shared several practical "principles that govern spiritual quickening." The differences between a God-sent revival and the man-centered evangelistic means of his day are truly heart-searching for anyone engaged in work to save men's souls. Since God's sovereignty does not nullify man's responsibility, Campbell admonished his hearers to be "agents of revival" that take God up on "His covenant engagement" in prayer and staying close to the heart of the Shepherd.
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 Revival Lectures Series - Short by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Revival
Scripture(s): Hosea 10:12  
Description: This sermon brings some simple definitions to revival and makes the plain difference between revival and evangelism. Ravenhill shows that the breaking up of the fallow ground is essential in preparing for any revival. This message will break down alot of preconceptions you might have about the word 'revival' and will aid you in seeking the revival in the truest sense of the word.
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 Revival in the Home by Harold Vaughan

Topic: Revival
Description: nil
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 Roadblock to Revival by Harold Vaughan

Topic: Revival
Description: nil
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 Unity That Brings Revival by A.W. Tozer

Topic: Revival
Description: nil
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 God´s recipe for revival by Erlo Stegen

Topic: Revival
Scripture(s): 1 Peter 5:5-11  
Description: nil
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 The Enemy of Revival - Part 1 (CD Quality) by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Revival
Description: nil
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 The Enemy of Revival - Part 2 (CD Quality) by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Revival
Description: nil
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 Heart preparation for revival by Duncan Campbell

Topic: Revival
Scripture(s): 1 John 1  
Description: "Revival begins in His heart, and He operates through my life." God's operation through His people as "agents of revival" though must have a gripping desire for reality. "A God-sent revival," he said, "must ever be related to holiness and separation." The three conditions of this preparation are getting into the light (heart-searching prayer), acknowledging what the light reveals (repentance), and walking in the light (obedience). Campbell seriously challenges those who would see revival (not just dream about it) to be unsparingly honest about themselves.
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 **Long Interview of Leonard Ravenhill by David Mainse by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Revival
Description: This is a recording that includes 15 minute radio show interviews from the show "the chapel of the air" run by David Mains. David Mains interviews Leonard Ravenhill with the aim of first the local church then the seminaries then religion as seen and heard on television and radio. The underlining theme is revival throughout all of the conversations. Leonard Ravenhill did many phone interviews especially in times that he was recovering from sickness and was constrained from preaching but rather to stay in his home.
Sermon Comments (7)
 Revival Series 1 - Part 1 by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Revival
Scripture(s): Judges 16  
Description: From Judges 16 Ravenhill speaks on revival and brings a parrell from that passage to the condition of the Church. He shares some stirring stories to catalyst the hearers to bring their heart low and pray for revival in our day of moral chaos.
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 Revival Series 1 - Part 2 by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Revival
Scripture(s): Judges 16   
Description: From Judges 16 Ravenhill speaks on revival and brings a parrell from that passage to the condition of the Church. He shares some stirring stories to catalyst the hearers to bring their heart low and pray for revival in our day of moral chaos.
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 Revival Series 2 by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Revival
Scripture(s): Song of Solomon 1:6, Jude 20  
Description: To be effective for others, we must tend our own spiritual lives first.. The chief means of building ourselves up in the most holy faith is praying in the Holy Spirit.
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 Revival Series 3 by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Revival
Scripture(s): Malachi 2:10-17  
Description: Ravenhill draws a parallel between America today and Israel between Malachi and John the Baptist. Iniquity is abounding because there is no prophetic voice.
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 Revival Series 4 by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Revival
Scripture(s): Psalm 119:1-9  
Description: An exhortation to cleanse the heart by taking heed to God's Word. A much needed teaching in a day when so few people want to take God's word seriously and so few know anything about what a genuine working of the Spirit of God in the midst really is!
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 Revival Series 5 by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Revival
Scripture(s): Acts 5:32  
Description: A wide-ranging survey of revival history showing the importance of obedience to the Spirit, not only for the "heroes" like John Knox or Evan Roberts, but for the "unseen" saints. We do not know the names of the disciples who let Paul down by the wall in a basket. We hardly notice the men who roll away the stone from Lazarus' tomb. Their work is unspectacular but essential.
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 Revival Series 6 by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Revival
Scripture(s): 2 Chronicles 6:1  
Description: "Now when Solomon had made an end of praying, the fire came down from heaven...and the glory of the LORD filled the house." Revival fire falls on an altar prepared by intercessory prayer. But beware of wildfire, which substitutes human ingenuity for the Holy Spirit's energies.
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 Revival Series 7 by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Revival
Scripture(s): Malachi 3:1-3  
Description: Following from the previous message, Ravenhill cites historic examples of revival falling on congregations that have been saturated with prayer. Includes a remembrance of Irish evangelist Billy Nichols.
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