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Topic: Radio Show
Scripture(s): Psalm 2:1  
Description: God lives and works today! Yet problems and tensions are growing and people are living in fear. What can we do? The following meditation has an answer.
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 A NEW OUTLOOK by Basilea Schlink

Topic: Radio Show
Scripture(s): Galatians 2:20  
Description: God is at work even when you can't see or feel Him - when the sufferings and difficulties are so great that you don't know where to look for help! It is in such times that you need a new outlook. This meditation, by Basilea Schlink, offers one - A NEW OUTLOOK - that can help you in times of darkness.
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 LET LOVE BE VICTORIOUS by Basilea Schlink

Topic: Radio Show
Scripture(s): 2 Corinthians 13:5  
Description: God is at work building His kingdom. We can take part in this by letting love be victorious! The following meditation will give us some helpful tips about how to do it.
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 DARK DAYS OF SUFFERING by Basilea Schlink

Topic: Radio Show
Scripture(s): Isaiah 43:1  
Description: When God's ways are painful, difficult and hard to understand, it is then that our heavenly Father has something glorious in mind! The following meditation shares what this is!
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 TO FIGHT AGAINST SIN by Basilea Schlink

Topic: Radio Show
Scripture(s): Psalm 51:1  
Description: God is working to prepare a place for us in His house for all eternity. But that means that we have to prepare now to become "overcomers" - TO FIGHT AGAINST SIN! This meditation will tell us how.
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 PROTECTED ON ALL SIDES by Basilea Schlink

Topic: Radio Show
Scripture(s): Psalm 139:5  
Description: God lives and works today! But perhaps you don't feel that way because you are tense, anxious, burdened or lonely? Then the following meditation, by Basilea Schlink can give you some practical advice.
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 TOGETHER WITH JESUS by Basilea Schlink

Topic: Radio Show
Scripture(s): John 15:4  
Description: God is calling us to come and live and work with Him. But what does that mean? The following meditation, TOGETHER WITH JESUS, shares with us an experience which will give us an answer.
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 EARNEST PRAYER by Basilea Schlink

Topic: Radio Show
Scripture(s): Philippians 4:6  
Description: God is a God who answers prayer - that is, earnest, believing prayer. How can we learn to pray so that our prayers will be a sure weapon against the forces of evil? This meditation, by Basilea Schlink talks about this power of prayer. Choir: The prayer of those whom God holds dear, Will bring the might of God to bear, Burst open iron portals. To pray with faith gives strength to all. And changes pain and duty's call To flowers in love's garden.
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Topic: Radio Show
Scripture(s): Hebrews 12:11  
Description: Just as Jesus came 2000 years age to comfort His people, so He comes to us today. In times of suffering, He not only promises to meet our deepest needs, but He offers us a special comfort. In the following meditation, COMFORT FOR THE SICK AND SUFFERING, we catch a glimpse of the goal He longs for us to reach, through our suffering.
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 TO BE HAPPY AGAIN by Basilea Schlink

Topic: Radio Show
Scripture(s): Micah 7:18  
Description: God lives and works today! But maybe you don't feel that way because your life has become joyless. Perhaps, you feel cold and hard towards God? Then today's meditation, by Basilea Schlink can help you to find the key to being happy again.
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 WITH ALL OUR HEART! by Basilea Schlink

Topic: Radio Show
Scripture(s): Ephesians 5:1  
Description: God lives and works today! And He loves today. We can only share His power and life when we also share His love. This love He has revealed to us through the sacrifice of His Son and this love He gives to us that we might fulfill the true purpose of our life. Today's meditation, WITH ALL OUR HEART by Basilea Schlink, calls us to return to Him the love He so longs to receive from us.
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 SEVERE TEMPTATIONS by Basilea Schlink

Topic: Radio Show
Scripture(s): 1 Thessalonians 5:24  
Description: God lives and works today! That is a fact which most of us can see - all we have to do is open our eyes and look around! But let's face it - times do come when we can't see - times of SEVERE TEMPTATIONS! Today's meditation, by Basilea Schlink gives some practical advice for just such times.
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 A FATHER'S LOVE by Basilea Schlink

Topic: Radio Show
Scripture(s): 1 John 4:16  
Description: God lives and works today! And He reveals Himself to us in many different ways! Today's meditation, by Basilea Schlink: A FATHER'S LOVE tells us about one of the special plans He has thought up - to show us His fatherly love!
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Topic: Radio Show
Scripture(s): Philippians 4:4  
Description: God lives and works today! But can we really experience His goodness today, in the face of our degenerating society? Today's meditation, by Basilea Schlink gives a helpful word to these questions.
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 I AM A REALIST by Basilea Schlink

Topic: Radio Show
Scripture(s): 2 Timothy 4:7  
Description: God lives and works today! And as a loving father, He has planned a wonderful future for our lives. But do we take His plans into consideration when we make our plans for the future? Listen to the following program by Basilea Schlink.
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 CHOSEN TO LOVE by Basilea Schlink

Topic: Radio Show
Scripture(s): 1 John 4:11  
Description: God lives and works today! Although He is the almighty Creator, who has no need of anyone, He has chosen man to be His hands and feet. Yes, He has chosen and called us to bring relief to a world that is hungering for love. Can there be any greater calling than this - to bring others the love that makes people blessed and happy? How can we do this? Listen to today's meditation by Basilea Schlink called, CHOSEN TO LOVE.
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 A YES TO YOUR CROSS by Basilea Schlink

Topic: Radio Show
Scripture(s): Romans 8:17  
Description: God lives and works today! He can live and work in your life today - if you let Him! But that means you have to give Him something - a "Yes!" Today's meditation, by Basilea Schlink will share about the "Yes" that makes you free!
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 TO CALL UPON JESUS by Basilea Schlink

Topic: Radio Show
Scripture(s): Psalm 50:15  
Description: God lives and works today! Have you experienced His power in your life? Do you know the reality of His victory over your problems, over the sins which bind you and over your failures? If not, today's meditation by Basilea Schlink can teach you how to call upon Jesus in present circumstances as will as in difficult times ahead.
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Topic: Radio Show
Scripture(s): 1 Peter 5:7  
Description: God lives and works today! But maybe you don't feel that way because so many worries and problems are getting you down. Today we will be hearing a testimony from the life of Basilea Schlink. This testimony shares how to overcome worry.
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 PEACE INSTEAD OF FEAR by Basilea Schlink

Topic: Radio Show
Scripture(s): John 14:27  
Description: God lives and works today! But it is a fact that today, more people than ever before are insecure and afraid! The answer to all fear - an answer which has already been tested and proven in lives of many - can be found in today's program by Basilea Schlink which shows how we can have PEACE INSTEAD OF FEAR.
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