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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Provision

 His Eye is On the Sparrow by David Wilkerson

Topic: Provision
Scripture(s): Isaiah 34:1, Isaiah 40:17-18  
Description: July 23, 2006. The focus of God's eye is not on the calamities and wars around us. Jesus shows us how the Father cares for us in hard times by the analogy of the sparrow. The Lord is calling His church to rise up and take courage and trust God. He will begin to fill us with His grace and peace. God in these last days wants to give us an understanding of His love to keep us standing strong and secure .
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 Daily Prayer And Our Daily Provision by J. Glyn Owen

Topic: Provision
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 Cashing God’s Check by Jim Cymbala

Topic: Provision
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 Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread by Carter Conlon

Topic: Provision
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 Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread by Carter Conlon

Topic: Provision
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 God's Provision-Man's Decision Gen.4:1 by J. Henry Brown

Topic: Provision
Scripture(s): Genesis 4:1  
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 God's Social Security Program by William MacDonald

Topic: Provision
Scripture(s): Matthew 6:19-34  
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 The Hand of God by Billy Ingram

Topic: Provision
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 God´s provision by Erlo Stegen

Topic: Provision
Scripture(s): Mark 16:15  
Description: God answers prayer, and when we are in need, we can go to Him with our need. Mr Moses Khoza also gave His testimony of how he had strayed from God, but God has shown him grace, granted him forgiveness of sin and even touched him physically. Before he came to KwaSizabantu he was in hospital and had a terrible experience. The people in his ward were very sick. One night he went to fetch himself some water to drink. When he came back to his bed, one of the patients begged him for some water. When he had fetched the water, the man didn't want to drink it, but asked mr Khoza to pour it onto his neck and chest, for he felt like he was burning. After that the next patient had the same request and then the next. It carried on for quite a while. The next morning two of the patients had passed away. God spoke to him through the incident, and he came to KwaSizabantu and met with the Lord afresh.
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 God Will Feed You in the Wilderness by Carter Conlon

Topic: Provision
Scripture(s): Psalm 78:40-42  
Description: December 9, 2007 - This message is for those who are in a wilderness season and because they look in the mirror in the natural they can't see where strength and provision will come from. Many turn back right at the place where they will begin to discover and enter into the supernatural life of God. When we are in unbelief we begin to limit God by doubting that He could supply what we need and take us where He is calling us to go. The central core of unbelief is that God's way is incomplete and we must help Him bring His plan to pass. If you are sitting in unbelief, remove yourself from that place and grab on to the promises of God. We must learn how to trust God for strength and provision. Don't pray to get out of the situation, pray that you may find supernatural life in it. God is looking for people who have come through the wilderness with a voice of triumph to speak to the next generation. Do you believe that God CAN, or will you limit the Holy One of Israel?
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 The Key to Unlocking the Provision of God by Carter Conlon

Topic: Provision
Scripture(s): 2 Kings 7:1-10, 2 Kings 6:24-25, 1 Corinthians 1:25  
Description: December 13, 2009 - God chooses an incredible strategy to release His provision. God will feed His people and then use the people He feeds to feed others. Before God can use us and pour His provision through us He must see a core value in our character. We must have the same compassion that Christ has for us. True compassion is born of the Spirit. The storehouse of God is unlocked when the Holy Spirit stirs us to reach out to the sea of human need all around us.
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 God Can Meet Our Every Need by Zac Poonen

Topic: Provision
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 Have You Heard? There is Bread in Bethlehem by Carter Conlon

Topic: Provision
Scripture(s): Ruth 1:19-22  
Description: September 27, 2009 - Bethlehem is the place where God was given for the needs of humanity. As Christians there is an inner desire that God plants in our heart to go into His field and gather up those whom are considered outcasts and unwanted. God wants to revive the present day church to find strength and power one more time in His redemptive love. We are called to go into the world and pick up what nobody wants and tell the world there is bread enough for all and this bread is Jesus Christ Himself. May we all be awakened to the absolute value of one soul!
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 Weeping Over The Provision Of God by Carter Conlon

Topic: Provision
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 Ask Jesus Now For The Things That You Need by Carter Conlon

Topic: Provision
Scripture(s): Matthew 7:7-12  
Description: November 14, 2010 - The time for seeking God is now. The Bible says ask, seek, knock and God Himself will answer you and give you what you need. The question is what are we asking for? We are called to be a testimony of Jesus Christ in the earth. The light and life of Christ is given to those who are given for the purposes of God. Ask for your heart to be broken for the lost. Ask for the strength to take up your cross and follow Jesus. We are to seek first His kingdom. Seek the heart and the will of God and He promises that all we need will be given to us and at the end of the day we will have joy!
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 The Lord’s perfect provision for His own masterpiece by Hans R. Waldvogel

Topic: Provision
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 17 - God's Exacting Provision by Ben Torrey

Topic: Provision
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 God's Provision for the Children of Israel by Chuck Smith

Topic: Provision
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 The Promise of Provision by Carter Conlon

Topic: Provision
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 God Cares For The Sparrow by Vance Havner

Topic: Provision
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