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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Presumption

 The Thin Line Between Faith And Presumption by Kathryn Kuhlman

Topic: Presumption
Description: nil
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 (Spiritual Dangers) The Danger of Presumption by Don Currin

Topic: Presumption
Scripture(s): Hebrews 3  
Description: Testings, trials, and temptations will reveal if our faith is genuine. Saving, genuine faith, is evidenced by your willingness to continue in the fruit of cnversion (faith, repentance, humility, self-denial, holiness, receiving reproof (wether from the pulpit, an individual, or even a child), obedience, godliness, etc. Consistent failure in the trials and tribulations in life reveal an unregenerate heart.
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 A Working Faith - Arrogant Presumption Exposed by J. Glyn Owen

Topic: Presumption
Description: nil
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