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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Podcast

 The Incandescent Man by Leonard Ravenhill by Classics Podcast

Topic: Podcast
Description: Ravenhill speaks on revival and John the Baptist. The message really doesn't stay on course in the bible study but rather He preaches from a burden to see revival in the church. This message is well worth hearing it will spark a desire in your heart to pray for revival in our day.
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 Modern American Christianity by Paul Washer by Classics Podcast

Topic: Podcast
Scripture(s): Matthew 7:13-27  
Description: LISTEN TO THIS MESSAGE! It brings eternity and the true faith of Christ into our view. A very pointed sermon that cuts through the overlay of false profession in the Church. Paul Washer humbly yet with boldness speaks forth as the Oracles of God to a crowd of 5000 baptist youth. Would be to God that more would speeak with a clear conscience of true Christian virtue and repentance.
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 Christs Call Follow In My Footsteps by K.P. Yohannan by Classics Podcast

Topic: Podcast
Description: K.P. Yohannan gives an passionate plea to a large americian church in arizona to pursue self-denial and embrace the cross of Christ fully. He speaks on the reality of a eternal hell that forever and ever people will be crying out for mercy, in light of this how we are living our Christian lifes must change into radical obedience and surrender to the cross life.
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 Do Everything Out Of Love by Arno Stegen by Classics Podcast

Topic: Podcast
Scripture(s): 1 Corinthians 16:14  
Description: Arno Stegen shares his sermon on the topic of having the love of God in our lifes. He speaks of many practical ways to show if we do nor do not have the love of God in our heart. All ministry, work, and serving God can be vain without it being done out of love from the heart for God. This is a very challenging and strong sermon on a much needed topic to be shared.
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 Beginning Of The End by Alan Redpath by Classics Podcast

Topic: Podcast
Scripture(s): Mark 6  
Description: Redpath preaching to students at Prairie Bible Institute and looks at the 6th chapter of Mark's gospel, specifically at the miricale of the feeding of the 5000. He shows how we try to do so much in our own strength, rather than being totally dependant on God. Have we given all to Jesus?
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 Humanizing God by Lou Sutera by Classics Podcast

Topic: Podcast
Scripture(s): Romans 1  
Description: Lou Sutera is honest with the hearers sharing how desperately wicked society has become around us. His main point is showing how little esteemed God is and how society and sadly Christians have "humanized God" to make Him as we are. Revival is utmost and necessary to see God as He truly is! This message is a clarion call for the need and urgency we should have.
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 Spiritual Treason by A.W. Tozer by Classics Podcast

Topic: Podcast
Scripture(s): 1 Thessalonians 5:21  
Description: Tozer speaks at a Alliance Conference on the a topic of discerning whether or not a experience or new doctrine is truly from God. He outlines and gives 5-6 reasons how we can surely know if it is from God: Does it glorify Christ? does it magnify Christ? Can it be found in the Bible? Does it promote unity and love for the brethren? This is a worthwhile teaching to hear and re-listen to.
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 His and His Alone by K.P. Yohannan by Classics Podcast

Topic: Podcast
Description: Brother K.P. Yohannan preaches with passion and burden for us to realize we are not our own but have been bought with a price. He calls for those that will follow Christ in whole-hearted devotion and live for His approval alone. There is a lost and dying world going to Hell and need to hear the Gospel and see it clearly in our lives.
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 Resist The Devil by Mark Greening by Classics Podcast

Topic: Podcast
Scripture(s): James 4:7  
Description: Mark Greening shares on spiritual warfare and resisting the work of the devil in Christian life. He debunks some of the false concepts of spiritual warfare that have crept in the Church and shows how the Church has departed from scripture in this area.
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 The Adversary In The Church by Milton Green by Classics Podcast

Topic: Podcast
Scripture(s): Psalm 74, Ezekiel 34, Lamentations 1  
Description: Milton Green shares a very strong penetrating message about the state of the church in the modern day. The devil and the powers of darkness have been having much control and infiltration into the church in the modern day. A much needed message to hear of things to come.
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 Steadying The Ark Of God by Vance Havner by Classics Podcast

Topic: Podcast
Scripture(s): 2 Samuel 6  
Description: Vance Havner shares about how the people of our day have desired to steady the ark, but what we need is to get back to God's ways and His principles. Church needs to get back to God. We have been so anxious to be relevant we have lost our reverence towards God.
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 A Time to Cry by David Legge by Classics Podcast

Topic: Podcast
Description: David Legge gives a impassioned plea to the Church of Jesus Christ to wake up and weep and pray for God to move and act on our His behalf. "My friends, we need an awakening in the Iron Hall! We need an awakening in Ulster, for I believe it is our only hope!" and truly we need a awakening world wide! "The cry of my heart is this: whatever we do, we must not do nothing!" may we be led to pray in a new fervent way for God's kingdom to expand in this generation.
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 A Burning Heart by Leonard Ravenhill by Classics Podcast

Topic: Podcast
Description: Ravenhill speaks from a text in Isaiah and speaks much about the role of the prophet. But really this is just him sharing his heart for revival and on the lukewarm condition of the church. You can really sense his burden as he just shares as the Spirit leads. You will be convicted as you hear this message and brought to your knees to become an agent of change in the church.
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 And They Crucified Him by Art Katz by Classics Podcast

Topic: Podcast
Description: Empty entertainment/worship sung by pretty people -Doctrinally-correct sermons devoid of power -Sunday-only Christian lives barely distiguishable from the world All these and many more ills are symptoms of a disease Art clearly identifies in this message. It's such a fundamental thing, our understanding of the cross. It's an indictment of our lives and the current impetence of the church. In the final analysis, unless we know ‘Christ and Him crucified,’ our knowledge of God will be false.
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 God's Burden for Zion by George Warnock by Classics Podcast

Topic: Podcast
Description: A powerful message by Brother Warnock showing us clearly how we are a holy priesthood raised up by Jesus Christ as our high priest. And he shows how the gospel needs not just to be told but shown in the life of us the body of Christ. The world has yet to feel the true impact of the life of the gospel.
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 Judgment Seat of Christ by Leonard Ravenhill by Classics Podcast

Topic: Podcast
Description: This is a powerful message on the Judgement Seat of Christ. This message will challange you to question the way you are living as a Christian today compared to the eternal reality that we are going to go before God one day to give an account of our life.
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 Personal Testimony by Milton Green by Classics Podcast

Topic: Podcast
Description: Milton Green shares his personal testimony of being in the darkness away from God and being brought to the light. This testimony is a testimony of Grace! the marvelous freedom that Jesus Christ brings us into by his death and resurrection from the cross. A Powerful story of a transformed life.
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 Regeneration And Self-Denial by Paul Washer by Classics Podcast

Topic: Podcast
Scripture(s): Ezekiel 36:22-27, Matthew 13:44  
Description: Paul Washer explains how self-denial is more than a wearisome relinquishing of worldliness. Speaking with great passion, he shows how self-denial is a work of God that makes surrender a joy and delight. This message penetrates with prophetic urgency the need of true conversion under the power of God.
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 Revival In the Bible by J Vernon McGee by Classics Podcast

Topic: Podcast
Description: Vernon McGee shares with a passionate heart the burden for a biblical revival. He exposes the spurious type of revival and shows clearly how true revival begins individually between God and man. He gives some very pointed statements towards the apathy of the church individuals and gives a clear resounding plea for each person listening to get right with God.
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 Seek My Face by Richard Owen Roberts by Classics Podcast

Topic: Podcast
Description: Roberts speaks of the lofty and majestic God that we are to seek with all our hearts. He paints a tremendous picture of man and how seeking after God is an humbling task. This is an all important subject and worthy of a listen.
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