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Audio Sermons : By Topic : People God Uses

 (People God Uses) 01 The People Used by God by Chuck Smith

Topic: People God Uses
Scripture(s): Acts 3:1-9  
Description: Chuck Smith gives three characteristics that God is looking for in people that have a desire to serve Him. God wants us to be the people of prayer, faith, and not seeking glory for ourselves, but to give glory to our Lord Jesus Christ. Chuck reminds us that God has to prepare a vessel first for the work that He already ordained that should be accomplished for Him. God first must work in us before He can work through us.
Sermon Comments (3)
 (People God Uses) 02 The Need for Faith by Chuck Smith

Topic: People God Uses
Scripture(s): Acts 3:1-16, Hebrews 11:6, Romans 12:3  
Description: Chuck Smith continues his series on people used by God with focus on faith. In Hebrews 11:6 we read that without faith it is impossible to please God for he who comes to God must believe that He is and He rewards those that truly seek Him. The men and women that God uses believe in His promises and stand in faith upon those promises. Paul reminds us in the Epistle to Romans that it is God who gives us a measure of faith (Romans 12:3). The men and women that God uses are people of faith.
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 (People God Uses) 03 Beware of Ambition by Chuck Smith

Topic: People God Uses
Scripture(s): Acts 3:12-13  
Description: God is looking for men and women that are not seeking to glorify themselves, but to give glory to God. People that begin to take glory for themselves soon become unusable by God. God can set us aside in a hurry. We should have no personal ambitions for greatness if we want to be used by God.
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 (People God Uses) 04 Knowing the Word of God by Chuck Smith

Topic: People God Uses
Scripture(s): 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Mark 16:20, Acts 3  
Description: Chuck Smith shares more principles on people God uses. He shares how knowing the word of God we can live a effective life and ministry for God. We need to be a people who have reckoned the old nature dead and now living as servants for God.
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 (People God Uses) 05 Be Filled with the Holy Spirit by Chuck Smith

Topic: People God Uses
Scripture(s): Acts 3  
Description: Chuck Smith shares principles of people who God uses. The series goes through Acts 3 showing lessons from that chapter. There is a need to be filled with the Spirit of God and thus be useable by God. The flesh profits nothing and nothing done by the flesh will be used of God to build His kingdom.
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