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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Peace of Jerusalem

 Praying the Peace of Jerusalem - Part 1 by Art Katz

Topic: Peace of Jerusalem
Description: Using the theme of praying for the peace of Jerusalem, Art expounds on the meaning and anatomy of prayer in the context of what Jerusalem and the people Israel represent for the church. If prayer is the ultimate statement of where we are in God, then this message will challenge the very cores and truth of our condition in God.
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 Praying the Peace of Jerusalem - Part 2 by Art Katz

Topic: Peace of Jerusalem
Description: Using the theme of praying for the peace of Jerusalem, Art expounds on the meaning and anatomy of prayer in the context of what Jerusalem and the people Israel represent for the church. If prayer is the ultimate statement of where we are in God, then this message will challenge the very cores and truth of our condition in God.
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