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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Others

 Being a Blessing to Others by K.P. Yohannan

Topic: Others
Scripture(s): Philippians 4:19  
Description: K.P. gives a challenging message from Philippians 4:19 about God's plan for blessing his children. The conclusion to feeling better is to bless others and take our minds off of ourselves. Open up your life and be a blessing to others. As God directs our hearts we will be surprised how He uses it. Start thinking of how we can bless others. Make a list of names with all the people you have difficulty with and ask yourself, “is there any good about them?” Allow the Holy Spirit to work in you, and bless them.
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 Still Others by Alan Martin

Topic: Others
Description: nil
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 Living for others by Jason Robinson

Topic: Others
Description: nil
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