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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Obedience

 Christ Magnified In Our Bodies by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Obedience
Description: Asked why he was used of the Lord so greatly in China, Hudson Taylor replied, 'God had looked long for a man weak enough, and He found me.' He takes the weak things of the world to confound the mighty. Spiritual wisdom does not come with years; neither does maturity. The key to both is obedience. Whatsoever He saith unto YOU, do it.
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 Obedience by Harold Vaughan

Topic: Obedience
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 Action And Obedience by Duncan Campbell

Topic: Obedience
Scripture(s): Matthew 21:1-7  
Description: Duncan Campbell speaks very plainly and directly towards the root causes of what hinder revival, namely not obeying the voice of the Lord and holding on to secret sins. God desires to 'open the floodgates of glory' but obedience is a fundamental truth for blessing. Campbell appeals to the simple yielding of oneself to Christ and like the donkey being serviceable for Him to meet the need.
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 Obedience to Jesus´ final command by Erlo Stegen

Topic: Obedience
Scripture(s): Mark 16:14-20  
Description: nil
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 Choose to obey by Friedel Stegen

Topic: Obedience
Description: nil
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 (1 Peter - Part 12): As Obedient Children by A.W. Tozer

Topic: Obedience
Scripture(s): 1 Peter 1:14,Romans 10:8-13  
Description: This lesson is on the necessity of obedience in a Christian life. Also how as Christians following God we can be much happier than not following God.
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 A Prepared Heart by Teresa Conlon

Topic: Obedience
Scripture(s): 2 Chronicles 11,2 Chronicles 12:14  
Description: You must seek the Lord with all your heart, prepared to listen to him, and prepared to follow his instructions in obedience and faith. As long as Rehoboam sought the Lord, he prospered and had peace. When he stopped seeking God, and began to do things his own way, the enemy came in and stole the treasures of God out of the temple. Believers are the temple of the Holy Ghost. Take careful heed to this message.
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 Instant obedience or The frozen chosen by Friedel Stegen

Topic: Obedience
Description: nil
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 The Journey From Prayer To Obedience by Carter Conlon

Topic: Obedience
Scripture(s): Esther 3:7-13,Esther 4:13-14,Romans 8:9-11  
Description: (Preached: Feb. 8th, 2004). In a place of complacency, the enemy rose up to try to destroy God's people. After the captivity in Babylon, many of Israel had grown comfortable and stayed, rather than returning. Mixture in the world gives the enemy room to rise up and rule over you. Esther fasted and prayed, but she then had to get up and go to the king. We, as the Body of Christ, need to remember we are ambassadors of Christ, and there is no time for games. Jesus is coming, and we need to come out from among the world, and seperate ourselves for his purposes. If you are struggling with your flesh, this message will help you, and hopefully motivate you. Esther risked her life to intercede for her people. We need to risk whatever will come into our lives whether persecution, or trouble, to be seperated to God's purposes.
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 In the Hands Of the Potter by J. Glyn Owen

Topic: Obedience
Scripture(s): Jeremiah 18:1-12  
Description: nil
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 Key Words: Obedience by J. Glyn Owen

Topic: Obedience
Scripture(s): Luke 6:37-49  
Description: nil
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 First thing is First by J. Glyn Owen

Topic: Obedience
Scripture(s): Mark 12:29-34  
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 (1 John #10) Ring of Reality by J. Glyn Owen

Topic: Obedience
Scripture(s): 1 John 2:3-6  
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 Obedience and Love by K.P. Yohannan

Topic: Obedience
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 Obedience and Authentically Walking With God by Brian Long

Topic: Obedience
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 Obedience of Faith by K.P. Yohannan

Topic: Obedience
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 Faith Obeys (3 of 4) by Paul Washer

Topic: Obedience
Scripture(s): Hebrews 11  
Description: We believe that these messages truly flesh out what is meant by the phrase, 'We walk by faith, not by sight.' Because 'faith' is so easily misunderstood this is a much needed truth.
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 The Obedience That Prepares The Way by Wesley Duewel

Topic: Obedience
Scripture(s): 2 Chronicles 7:14  
Description: nil
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 Don't say No to God by Keith Daniel

Topic: Obedience
Scripture(s): Isaiah 55:6-7  
Description: nil
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 Breaking The Heart Of Obedience by Carter Conlon

Topic: Obedience
Scripture(s): Acts 21:8-14, 2 Timothy 2:1-7  
Description: January 10, 2010 - Have you ever asked yourself why do things have to change? We are all resistant to change especially when it involves what we perceive to be hardship or loss to ourselves or someone we love. There is nothing in us that wants to gravitate toward difficulty. In the western world we have formed a Christian theological perspective that avoids difficulty, which results in an anemic Christianity. When we get a word from the Lord that sometimes doesn't make sense to the natural mind, we must be careful to who and what we listen to. There are well meaning people all along our journey that will unknowingly try to break your heart of obedience. God call us to a radical obedience where we will go where you lead us no matter what the cost! When we learn to walk in the ways of God and follow the voice of God the miraculous is released in our lives. Are you willing to respond to the Lord with, “here I am Lord, send me”?
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