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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Narrow Way

 Two Gates by J. Glyn Owen

Topic: Narrow Way
Scripture(s): Matthew 7:13-14  
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 Enter In The Strait Gate by Rolfe Barnard

Topic: Narrow Way
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 (True Disciple Conference) We Have Forgotten that the Way is Narrow by Paul Washer

Topic: Narrow Way
Scripture(s): Matthew 7:13-29  
Description: Jesus said, “I came not to send peace, but a sword” (Matt. 10:34), that sword being “the word of God” (Eph. 6:17), which is “quick, and powerful,……piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit” (Heb. 4:12). The closing words of what some men choose to call ‘The Sermon On The Mount’ are a perfect example of this sword at work, dividing between strait and wide; narrow and broad; good trees and bad trees; good fruit and bad fruit; those that hear Jesus’ words and do them, and those that hear Jesus’ words and do them not; life and death; salvation and destruction; heaven and hell. As Mr Washer asserts, these are indeed fearful words, and he expounds them clearly and powerfully to the end that his hearers should be left in no doubt as to the eternal consequences of Jesus’ teaching. How many preachers ‘blunt’ this sword in their attempts to make the message more ‘acceptable’ (as they think) to men; but Mr Washer cares too much for the souls he is addressing to compromise their eternal safety. If you’re content to think that you’re saved just because you ‘asked Jesus into your heart’ one time; and you don’t want your faith to be tried and proved, whether it is actually of God or not; then don’t bother listening to this message! But I pray that you will listen to it, both for your own eternal safety, and for the pleasure and glory of God. (68 minutes)
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 Few Find The Way To Life by Zac Poonen

Topic: Narrow Way
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 Are You on the Narrow Path? by Paul Washer

Topic: Narrow Way
Scripture(s): Matthew 7:13-27  
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 Finding The Narrow Way by Zac Poonen

Topic: Narrow Way
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 The Narrow Way by Vincent G. Artese

Topic: Narrow Way
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 The Narrow Way by Jon Couch

Topic: Narrow Way
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 The Way is Narrow by Michael Koulianos

Topic: Narrow Way
Description: nil
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