| | (The Glory of God) in Missions by Paul Washer
Topic: Missions Scripture(s): Malachi 1:11 | | Description: Brother Paul Washer here shows us the framework for true biblical missions. The primary motivation for both our sending of missionaries, and also our going as missionaries is two-fold, we must not send men, but the truth of God, and we do not go primarily for man, but for God. The promotion of His name for His glory is the driving force behind the true missions of the Church.
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| | Authentic Missions, Part One by K.P. Yohannan
Topic: Missions | | Description: Gospel for Asia President K.P. Yohannan answers the question, "What does God's plan for authentic, effective missions look like?" We are commanded by the King of kings to go and make disciples of all nations—to preach the Good News whether the time is favorable or not. The Bible tells us that we are not even promised the next minute, so how can we stay knowing that half the world has not heard about Christ? We can’t keep this joy to ourselves, but should share it with the world. What will you do?
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| | Authentic Missions, Part Two by K.P. Yohannan
Topic: Missions | | Description: K.P. helps us understand God's wonderfully simple plan for authentic missions. The afflictions we face are nothing compared to the glory that will be revealed when Christ returns. Don’t waste life serving yourself; otherwise you will never be truly satisfied. Mission work only makes sense when we understand His glory and where we will spend eternity. This message from K.P. Yohannan gets you to think about what we should be doing.
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| | Theology Of Missions by Nigel Paul
Topic: Missions Scripture(s): Psalm 29, Revelation 4 | | Description: Nigel Paul gives a impassioned plea for the glory of God in missions and the call of God out to everyone to live for Him fully. The call for missions and discipleship is still here today! He goes through many stories and scriptures to challenge our hearts to give all our energy and ambitions to the great purpose of Christ.
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