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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Living Epistle

 Are you a living epistle? by Hans R. Waldvogel

Topic: Living Epistle
Scripture(s): Psalm 17:15, 2 Timothy 2:21  
Description: Now, I came into the meeting tonight, and saw the heaven rolling away and the glory of God descending, and was reminded of the words of Jesus where He said, “Where two of you, or three, are gathered in My name, there am I in the midst.” I thought, “Well the Lord Jesus really has a plan with every meeting, or He wouldn’t bother to come around, would He?” Do you think so? But you know, it’s been a source of unceasing wonderment to me how that He always manages to come. Praise the Lord! Sometimes people don’t pay very much attention to Him, but He always manages to come, and He always manages to manifest Himself. He must have a real purpose in it; He must have a real plan. And wouldn’t it be interesting to find out just what God’s plan is?
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