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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Laying Aside

 (1 Peter - Part 18): On Laying Aside Certain Things by A.W. Tozer

Topic: Laying Aside
Scripture(s): 1 Peter 2:1-3,Isaiah 40:6-7  
Description: “On Laying Aside Certain Things” is part 18 of Pastor A. W. Tozer’s delightful, 34-part series based upon Peter’s first epistle. The message was preached in Chicago, Illinois, on January 24, 1954, and it addresses 1 Peter 2:1-3, as well as 1 Peter 1:23-25 (from Isaiah 40:6-7.) Pastor Tozer treats us to several very astute word studies: “wherefore,” “laying aside,” “guile,” “hypocrisies,” “envies,” and “sincere milk.” Without rebirth, the most promising child, the actress in Hollywood, the president in the White House, and the eugenicists’ theoretical “super man,” all exist beneath the same two, dark clouds: mortality and corruption. Men die and then they rot; thank God for the birth that is incorruptible and never dies! Drawing wisely from Socrates, Pastor Tozer also challenges those liberals who ask, instead of turning from wickedness, “What is wickedness?” The length of the recording is 39 minutes and 5 seconds.
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