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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Law

 The right use of the Law by Paris Reidhead

Topic: Law
Scripture(s): Romans 3:19-31  
Description: Starting in Romans 3:19-31, this sermon shows the purpose and necessity of the Law in producing genuine conversion. Although all can recall wrongdoing, the Law has been given to convict us of sin -- to show the enormity of our crime against a holy, just, and righteous God. Until we are convicted of our crime and cry out to be free, the Gospel of salvation holds no real meaning. Unfortunately, most preaching over the last 100 years has not started with the Law but has instead been offering a Gospel to people who are really unaware from what they must be saved. The Holy Spirit has thus been stripped of "the only tool He has ever used to prepare men for Grace." The Law was never intended for Salvation, but to reveal the character of both God and man and to point to man's need of Christ. A must-listen.
Sermon Comments (3)
 Christ Explains the Law by Paris Reidhead

Topic: Law
Scripture(s): Matthew 5  
Description: Christ declares the function and purpose of the Christian in life and in the world. He sets forth the relationships of His people to the law.
Sermon Comments (2)
 Redeemed From The Law by Harry A. Ironside

Topic: Law
Scripture(s): Galatians 3:13  
Description: nil
Sermon Comments (0)
 Superior To The Law by Zac Poonen

Topic: Law
Description: nil
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 The Law and The Prophets by Paris Reidhead

Topic: Law
Scripture(s): Matthew 7:1-12  
Description: nil
Sermon Comments (0)
 Christians Under Law by Major Ian Thomas

Topic: Law
Description: nil
Sermon Comments (0)

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