| | The Law of God, Your Adversary, Women, and Your Wife by Dick Woodward
Topic: Law Of God Scripture(s): Matthew 5:25-32 | | Description: We live in a competitive world. Sometimes our relationship with competitors, or adversaries, becomes hostile, and they are determined to sue us or even put us in prison. Disciples who are peacemakers do not get angry or try to get even with their enemies. Instead, they determine never to be the source of conflict with adversarial people. Jesus also taught us how to relate to the opposite sex. As with other sins, Jesus goes to the source: our hearts. If we really want to be part of the solution as salt and light, we must learn how to control our sexual desires.
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| | | The Law of God and Your Word by Dick Woodward
Topic: Law Of God Scripture(s): Matthew 5:33-42 | | Description: The religious leaders in Jesus day had an elaborate system in which some oaths were binding and others were not. It was an absurd, complicated system that did not honor Gods command not to bear false witness. Jesus insisted that His disciples be people of the Word and people who keep their word.
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| | | The Law of God and the Lives of Men by Dick Woodward
Topic: Law Of God Scripture(s): Matthew 5:20 | | Description: Many people think Jesus was contradicting the Old Testament in these verses, but He was only confronting the teaching of the religious leaders. He was telling His disciples: Everything I am teaching you is found in the Word of God, but what I am teaching is in direct conflict with what your religious leaders have been teaching you.
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