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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Korean Revival

 Korean Revival 1950 by Bob Findlay

Topic: Korean Revival
Scripture(s): Acts 2:47  
Description: Youth for Christ (YFC) was a slogan which sprang forth in 1936, but the movement began in 1944 in America when evangelistic Saturday night youth rallies began. YFC began in Korea when some GI’s held some evangelistic rallies. J. Edwin Orr wrote: ‘Its post-war surge of evangelism reached its cress when Robert Pierce [evangelist and UN correspondent], Robert Findley, Gil Dodds and others leaders saw a local revival break forth in the weeks before the outbreak of war in Korea. [which broke out in June 1950]’

Bob Finely wrote, “When Bob Pierce, Gill Dodds and I were invited to Korea we discovered that our Lord had brought us into the midst of revival that might well have been lifted out of the pages of the book of Acts. I saw revival in Korea. I saw more than 25,000 persons profess to accept Christ as Saviour within six weeks. I saw more than four thousand persons daily at 5am prayer meetings. I saw hundreds continue all night in prayer for days on end. I saw crowds up to 75,000 come together to hear the gospel. In such a movement of the Holy Spirit, our part was incidental. These meetings in which we participated were only a small part of the great revival in Korea. All the while there were other great meetings being held by Korean pastors and evangelists. The revival is a demonstration of the awful reality of the person of the Holy Spirit.
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