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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Judgment Seat Of Christ

 Judgement Seat 1-31-91 - Part 4 by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Judgment Seat Of Christ
Description: This message was preached at the Anaheim Vineyard during the Revival Fire Conference in 1991.
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 Judgement Seat 1-31-91 - Part 3 by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Judgment Seat Of Christ
Description: This message was preached at the Anaheim Vineyard during the Revival Fire Conference in 1991.
Sermon Comments (0)
 Judgement Seat 1-31-91 - Part 1 by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Judgment Seat Of Christ
Description: This message was preached at the Anaheim Vineyard during the Revival Fire Conference in 1991.
Sermon Comments (0)
 Judgement Seat 1-31-91 - Part 2 by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Judgment Seat Of Christ
Description: This message was preached at the Anaheim Vineyard during the Revival Fire Conference in 1991.
Sermon Comments (1)
 Judgment Seat of Christ by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Judgment Seat Of Christ
Description: This is a powerful message on the Judgement Seat of Christ. This message will challange you to question the way you are living as a Christian today compared to the eternal reality that we are going to go before God one day to give an account of our life.
Sermon Comments (18)
 Judgement Seat - Part 1 by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Judgment Seat Of Christ
Description: nil
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 Judgement Seat - Part 2 by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Judgment Seat Of Christ
Description: nil
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 Judgement Seat of Believers by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Judgment Seat Of Christ
Description: nil
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 The Judgement Seat Of Christ - Part 1 (alternate) by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Judgment Seat Of Christ
Scripture(s): Revelation 20:11-15, 1 Corinthians 3:9-15  
Description: A deeply moving wake-up call to the church, instructing her to live in the light of eternity, "for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ" (2 Corinthians 5:10). Leonard Ravenhill describes the judgment day from Scripture as a court day where the verdict is final. He first points to the judgment of the unjust and then focusses on the judgment of the righteous. He emphasizes that we will all stand before Jesus alone and will not only be judged for what we have done, but also for what we have not done that we should have done. He denounces the worldliness of the people of God who invest their time and money as the world does - thus building on wood, hay and stubble as opposed to silver, gold and precious stones. Leonard Ravenhill strongly opposes today's "sloppy gospel" and "sloppy evangelism" of a love with no judgment. He warns that we are passing from the mercy of the lamb to the wrath of the lamb when Jesus judges the earth and mercy will be gone forever. As the work of every human being shall be tried in the fire, many public ministries will go down in ashes. Leonard describes 95 % of believers as bound by superstition and theology. He criticizes the unjust money-making of public ministries that leads to false investments of large amounts of money. He states that we must have Jesus take the government over our lives in reality and be lost and consumed in Him. Ravenhill closes his sermon with a strong call to repentance: "If we cannot live as a different breed of people on this earth we have no right to live here. God stamp eternity on my eyeballs."
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 The Judgement Seat Of Christ - Part 2 (alternate) by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Judgment Seat Of Christ
Scripture(s): Revelation 20:11-15, 1 Corinthians 3:9-15  
Description: A deeply moving wake-up call to the church, instructing her to live in the light of eternity, "for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ" (2 Corinthians 5:10). Leonard Ravenhill describes the judgment day from Scripture as a court day where the verdict is final. He first points to the judgment of the unjust and then focusses on the judgment of the righteous. He emphasizes that we will all stand before Jesus alone and will not only be judged for what we have done, but also for what we have not done that we should have done. He denounces the worldliness of the people of God who invest their time and money as the world does - thus building on wood, hay and stubble as opposed to silver, gold and precious stones. Leonard Ravenhill strongly opposes today's "sloppy gospel" and "sloppy evangelism" of a love with no judgment. He warns that we are passing from the mercy of the lamb to the wrath of the lamb when Jesus judges the earth and mercy will be gone forever. As the work of every human being shall be tried in the fire, many public ministries will go down in ashes. Leonard describes 95 % of believers as bound by superstition and theology. He criticizes the unjust money-making of public ministries that leads to false investments of large amounts of money. He states that we must have Jesus take the government over our lives in reality and be lost and consumed in Him. Ravenhill closes his sermon with a strong call to repentance: "If we cannot live as a different breed of people on this earth we have no right to live here. God stamp eternity on my eyeballs."
Sermon Comments (0)
 Everyone's Work Will Be Tried By Fire by Carter Conlon

Topic: Judgment Seat Of Christ
Scripture(s): 1 Corinthians 3:1-15,1 Corinthians 1:10  
Description: God wants to move in his church but he needs a people standing on the Rock who will not draw attention to themselves or misuse the gifts of the Spirit for personal gain or ambition. A people whose main desire is to glorify God, not flesh. When there is a focus on personalities, or certain ministers, with respect of persons, this will lead to the same trouble in the church today it led to in the Corinthian church as Paul dealt with in these scriptures. Division and self promotion.
Sermon Comments (2)
 Judgement Seat of Christ (CD version) by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Judgment Seat Of Christ
Description: nil
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 Did You Know that You're in the Bible? by Paul Washer

Topic: Judgment Seat Of Christ
Scripture(s): Revelation 21  
Description: Brother Paul Washer preaches powerfully on the judgment seat of Christ, the only place that you and I are found specifically mentioned in the Bible. Are we living with that reality in view, that "we all must stand at the judgment seat of Christ"? Some of the hardest words that could possibly be used to describe man are used in the Bible, loathsome, abominable, these describe man before God apart from His grace. Hear a powerful exposition of the horrors and joys of the judgment at the great white throne and the all powerful and loving despot that sits upon it.
Sermon Comments (3)
 The Day of Judgment by Aaron Dunlop

Topic: Judgment Seat Of Christ
Scripture(s): Obadiah 14-15  
Description: nil
Sermon Comments (0)

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