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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Joseph

 (Genesis) 66 - Joseph's Last Words by S. Lewis Johnson

Topic: Joseph
Scripture(s): Genesis 50:1-26  
Description: nil
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 (Genesis) 57 - Joseph's Exaltation; or from Prison to Prime Minister by S. Lewis Johnson

Topic: Joseph
Scripture(s): Genesis 41:1-57  
Description: nil
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 (Genesis) 56 - Joseph Prepared by Providence in Pharaoh's Prison by S. Lewis Johnson

Topic: Joseph
Scripture(s): Genesis 40:1-23  
Description: nil
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 (Genesis) 55 - Joseph - Tested and Triumphant by S. Lewis Johnson

Topic: Joseph
Scripture(s): Genesis 39:1-23  
Description: nil
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 (Genesis) 53 - Joseph - Beloved, Hated and Sold by S. Lewis Johnson

Topic: Joseph
Scripture(s): Genesis 37:1-36  
Description: nil
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 Lessons From The Pit by Teresa Conlon

Topic: Joseph
Scripture(s): Genesis 37-45  
Description: When Joseph was in the pit, God came to him and comforted him with himself, and Joseph was humbled. When God shows us our true selves, sometimes it's depressing. Joseph's call was mighty and so is ours. We need to die to self, and let the crucified One who lives in us live through us.  He will give us power to die to the things he's asking us to. Our willingess to follow him in this, to follow our Master and lay down our life for his purposes is a life lived sacrificially. The pit creates a longing to shed the selfish and proud life in us and want more of God. This is a message about taking up our cross.

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 Joseph's Life by Charles Anderson

Topic: Joseph
Description: nil
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 (Genesis) - Part 29 by Zac Poonen

Topic: Joseph
Scripture(s): Genesis 43-47  
Description: Joseph's life was one characterized by humility, the fear of God, and submission to authority. His repetitions of "God sent me" to his brothers shows his confidence that God could take the evil other people did to him and work it for good. One faithful man can accomplish a tremendous lot for God!
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 The Dreamer by B.H. Clendennen

Topic: Joseph
Scripture(s): Genesis 37:19  
Description: nil
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 Rough, But Friendly by C. H. Spurgeon

Topic: Joseph
Scripture(s): Genesis 42:6  
Description: “Then Joseph commanded to fill their sacks with corn, and to restore every man's money into his sack, and to give them provisions for the way: and thus did he unto them.” — Genesis 42:6. AN immense number of persons came down into Egypt from all parts of the world to buy corn. Many of these Joseph never saw. Many others came into his personal presence. I do not find that of all who came, he treated any of them roughly, except his own brethren. 'Strange!' you will say, and if you did not know the sequel of the story, it would not only seem strange, but cruel. You would not. know how to account for such a thing. Very like this is the manner of God's providence. There are thousands of people living in this world, with all if whom God deals according to wisdom. We all bear trouble in a measure, for 'Man is born unto trouble, as the sparks fly upwards.' .Some have more troubles than others, and these often happen to be those who are dearest to the Lord. If any man escape the rod, the true-born children of the royal family of heaven never can. Some may sin and prosper, but the righteous, if they sin, suffer. The ungodly are permitted to fatten like sheep for the slaughter, to have no bands even in their death; their strength is firm; they are not in trouble, as other men, neither are they plagued like other men...
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 And the Lord Was With Joseph - Part 1 by Steve Mays

Topic: Joseph
Description: nil
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 And the Lord Was With Joseph - Part 2 by Steve Mays

Topic: Joseph
Description: nil
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