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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Jacob

 Jacob Meeting God by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Jacob
Scripture(s): Genesis 32  
Description: "greate birds fly alone; the lion goes hunting alone; great fishes swim alone. great men walk alone". In his own emittable segway, right after the previous quote, he states, "i know you didn't say amen, but it's still there". This message is about how God strips every man he chooses to use as his chosen instrument everything that the person relies upon themselves to carry them in their daily life. In this case, Jacob relied on his physical strength, not to mention he also was a cheater.
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 (Genesis) 40 - The Last Days of Abraham and the First Days of Jacob by S. Lewis Johnson

Topic: Jacob
Scripture(s): Genesis 25:1-26  
Description: nil
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 (Genesis) 65 - Jacob's Last Words - II by S. Lewis Johnson

Topic: Jacob
Scripture(s): Genesis 49:13-22  
Description: nil
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 (Genesis) 64 - Jacob's Last Words - I by S. Lewis Johnson

Topic: Jacob
Scripture(s): Genesis 49:1-28  
Description: nil
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 (Genesis) 63 - Jacob Blessing Joseph's Sons by S. Lewis Johnson

Topic: Jacob
Scripture(s): Genesis 48:1-22  
Description: nil
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 (Genesis) 61 - Jacob - Surprised, Sustained and Satisfied by the God of by S. Lewis Johnson

Topic: Jacob
Scripture(s): Genesis 45:16-28, Genesis 46:1-34  
Description: nil
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 (Genesis) 47 - The Stirring Up of Jacob's Nest by S. Lewis Johnson

Topic: Jacob
Scripture(s): Genesis 31:1-55  
Description: nil
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 (Genesis) 45 - The Deceiver Deceived; or Jacob Learning the Justice of God by S. Lewis Johnson

Topic: Jacob
Scripture(s): Genesis 29:1-35  
Description: nil
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 (Men Who Met God): Jacob had an Encounter With God by A.W. Tozer

Topic: Jacob
Scripture(s): Genesis 28  
Description: nil
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 Genesis 32 by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Jacob
Description: nil
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 Jacob's Rebirth by A.W. Tozer

Topic: Jacob
Description: nil
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 The God Of Jacob by Robert Constable

Topic: Jacob
Description: nil
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 Jacob by Alan Redpath

Topic: Jacob
Scripture(s): Genesis 32  
Description: nil
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 (Genesis) - Part 30 by Zac Poonen

Topic: Jacob
Scripture(s): Genesis 48-50  
Description: The transformed Jacob could be so mightily used at the end of his life. True prophecy came when his natural strength had been dislocated. The blessings and warnings to Jacob's sons can be equally appropriate to us. Reuben warns us that if we cannot rule over our own passions we cannot lead in the church. "Am I in God's place?" is a good question to ask ourselves if we are secretly delighting in “being God” to other brothers and sisters.
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 Jabbok by David Wilkerson

Topic: Jacob
Scripture(s): Genesis 32:22  
Description: nil
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 Jacob by Norman Grubb

Topic: Jacob
Description: nil
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 When Jacob Sees His Children by Carter Conlon

Topic: Jacob
Scripture(s): Acts 24  
Description: February 22, 2009 - When there is not an honest seeking of God the church will begin to turn inward and lose her focus on Christ and become a counterfeit religious system with no answer. True value is not in embracing the things of this world but embracing the life of Christ and doing what He has called us to do. In these last days God will bring the truth of Christ back into focus through His church. When this religious system sees the children of God who are empowered by the Holy Spirit and walking in the joy of Jesus, then many will turn back to the Lord in this generation. Religion will forever bend its knee when there is a God-gripped people in the midst.
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 Jacob by Don Courville

Topic: Jacob
Description: nil
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 K-530 Jacob Wrestling by Art Katz

Topic: Jacob
Description: nil
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 Jacob by Paris Reidhead

Topic: Jacob
Scripture(s): Genesis 35:1-5  
Description: nil
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