| | Isaiah 35 by Art Katz
Topic: Israel's Future Blessing Scripture(s): Isaiah 35 | | Description: A close and careful examination of this text reveals Gods employment of another agent, namely, the church, as being the instrument in Israels deliverance and salvation in the mystery of God at the end of this age.
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| | | Israel, the Death of a Nation by Art Katz
Topic: Israel's Future Blessing | | Description: Present-day Israel is not scheduled to succeed, but to die. It is not a pleasant scenario, but the end thereof is glory. Another expression of this theme that touches the issue of places of refuge.
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| | | | | Israel 1948 What was God doing by Art Katz
Topic: Israel's Future Blessing | | Description: God's establishment of present day Israel needs to be understood in the purposes of God. An 'on the spot' speaking, calling the audience to a place of realism.
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