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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Intercessory Prayer

 Intercessory Prayer - Part 1 by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Intercessory Prayer
Scripture(s): 1 Samuel 1  
Description: Ravenhill teaches basic elements of intercessory prayer from the life of Samuel's mother--weeping, fasting, provocation, grieving and praying. He cited two examples of how intercession brought help from above, such as missionary Raymond Edmund as he lay on his deathbed in Uruguay. Mr. Ravenhill highlights the language of prayer and the burden of prayer from which revivals and churches are birthed
Sermon Comments (1)
 Intercessory Prayer - Part 2 by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Intercessory Prayer
Scripture(s): 1 Samuel 1  
Description: Ravenhill teaches basic elements of intercessory prayer from the life of Samuel's mother--weeping, fasting, provocation, grieving and praying. He cited two examples of how intercession brought help from above, such as missionary Raymond Edmund as he lay on his deathbed in Uruguay. Mr. Ravenhill highlights the language of prayer and the burden of prayer from which revivals and churches are birthed.
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 A Life of Effectual Intercessory Prayer by Gerhard Du Toit

Topic: Intercessory Prayer
Scripture(s): James 5:12-20  
Description: nil
Sermon Comments (0)
 Intercessory Prayer by Gerhard Du Toit

Topic: Intercessory Prayer
Scripture(s): James 5:12-20  
Description: nil
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