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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Homosexuality

 Homosexuality and Scripture by Peet Botha

Topic: Homosexuality
Description: nil
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 Confronting the Homosexual Agenda by Michael L. Brown

Topic: Homosexuality
Scripture(s): Psalm 109:4  
Description: Dr. Brown gives a strong encouragement to be light and salt in the world, revolutionizing society and impacting the nature of our culture. He gives frightening facts about the progressing homosexual revolution, including its aims and successes while maintaining a compassionate heart for their lives.
Sermon Comments (3)
 Pilgrims Problems No. 1 Homosexuality by Willie Mullan

Topic: Homosexuality
Description: nil
Sermon Comments (0)
 Pilgrims Problems No. 2 Homosexuality by Willie Mullan

Topic: Homosexuality
Description: nil
Sermon Comments (0)
 Fully Alive & Same-Sex Attraction: The Call to the First Identity by Stewart Ruch

Topic: Homosexuality
Description: nil
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