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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Holiness

 Holy God! Holy Church? by John Vissers

Topic: Holiness
Description: nil
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 Holy Ground by David Wilkerson

Topic: Holiness
Scripture(s): Exodus 3:5  
Description: preached at a YWAM conference.
Sermon Comments (1)
 The Pursuit of Holiness by John Murray

Topic: Holiness
Description: Paul does not say that we should put ourselves in a saved condition, for this is done by God's grace alone; but Scripture sometimes uses the word salvation to speak of the future completion of salvation; believers are actively engaged in the process of sanctification; it is the grave heresy of hyper-Calvinism to think that believers, having received salvation by grace alone, are not engaged in working and willing towards the completion of salvation; that heresy has a devastating and withering effect on the church, turning God's grace into slothfulness; we have responsibility and obligation to work out our own salvation with all our heart, mind, will, conscience and resolution; to pray without doing is slothfulness, and to act without praying is self-sufficiency, and both are opposite to godliness; we are motivated by the knowledge that back of our working is God's working; God's working is the assurance and guarantee that we will be saved.
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 Take Time to be Holy by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Holiness
Description: *poor tape quality
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 Holiness or "Blessing" by Art Katz

Topic: Holiness
Description: A cautionary word for the Church regarding its fascination with the present “revival” phenomena. Art makes the point that there is nothing more to be coveted and cherished than the sense of God as He in fact is and not as we may have thought Him to be. If we lose this sense of God and the holiness of God, then what do we have and what is our witness?
Sermon Comments (4)
 The Shocking Sin of A Perfect Heart by David Wilkerson

Topic: Holiness
Scripture(s): 2 Chronicles 15:2  
Description: It is possible for a person to live a life of holiness, full of the blessings of God and yet come to some point in your life when you commit a shocking sin even though before this time you possessed a perfect heart. Using King Asa as an example, Wilkerson takes teaches us a lesson of caution.
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 The Call Of God - The Call To Holiness by Zac Poonen

Topic: Holiness
Scripture(s): Hebrews 12:10, Romans 7:7, Romans 8:3-4  
Description: "One of the things the law could not do," teaches Zac Poonen, "was to make a man holy on the inside." Do you have the true freedom that the Holy Spirit gives, or are you more concerned with what people in your church will say, assessing your own spirituality or others by numerous unwritten laws or rules? See what God's Word declares about true holiness which is a gift from God.
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 Be Ye Holy by David Wilkerson

Topic: Holiness
Scripture(s): 1 Peter 1:15-16  
Description: nil
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 Holy Brethren (with Bulgarian Translation) by Art Katz

Topic: Holiness
Description: nil
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 Promoting Progressive Holiness by J. Glyn Owen

Topic: Holiness
Scripture(s): 2 Corinthians 6:14-18, 2 Corinthians 7:1  
Description: nil
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 Without Spot or Wrinkle by B.H. Clendennen

Topic: Holiness
Scripture(s): Ephesians 5:27  
Description: nil
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 Sense Of The Holy by A.W. Tozer

Topic: Holiness
Description: nil
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 (Depressed Disciples) Holiness The False And The True by Willie Mullan

Topic: Holiness
Scripture(s): Mark 15:14-15  
Description: nil
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 Ark Error by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Holiness
Scripture(s): 2 Samuel 5-6  
Description: This is a difficult message for it is a call to Holiness. In this message, a stark contrast is derived between man methods and means the beauty and Holiness of God and the obedience God requires of us to stay on the very narrow truth no matter how limited it might seem to man. In His own emittable way, "we are trying to steady the arc of God....there is nobody wicked anymore. there is just weak"
Sermon Comments (1)
 Be Holy In All Conversation by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Holiness
Description: nil
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 Personal Holiness - Part 1 by William MacDonald

Topic: Holiness
Description: nil
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 Personal Holiness - Part 2 by William MacDonald

Topic: Holiness
Description: nil
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 Personal Holiness - Part 3 by William MacDonald

Topic: Holiness
Description: nil
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 Personal Holiness - Part 4 by William MacDonald

Topic: Holiness
Description: nil
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 Personal Holiness - Part 5 by William MacDonald

Topic: Holiness
Description: nil
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