| | Behold, your King comes to you by Erlo Stegen
Topic: Heavenly Minded Scripture(s): Matthew 21:19 | | Description: It is a pity when people are blunt towards the things of heaven. The natural man cannot fathom or understand the things of heaven. The things of the earth are very dear and close to them, but the things of heaven are dim. This should not be the case. The things of heaven should be close to us and the things of the earth should be strangely dim. Our Lord said in Matt 6:33, "seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you". Satan blinds the eyes of the people of this world so that they do not regard or seek the things of heaven. They are possessed with the lusts of this earth and have lost even their humanity. They have become like the beasts for they are ruled by the lusts of the flesh. Even their language and thoughts are perverted and bestial.
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