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| | Grace—More Than Unmerited Favor by Mose Stoltzfus
Topic: Grace | | Description: Grace is much more than unmerited favor. Martin Luther's “sin boldly” concept coupled with such wrong concepts of grace has given us one of our greatest deceptions. You need grace all of your life. You need grace for salvation and to live, grow, and die. The immediate future doesn't look bright, but there will be grace to go through it.
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| | Chopping Wood For Father by Carter Conlon
Topic: Grace Scripture(s): Revelation 2:1-7 | | Description: Pastor Conlon delivers an extremely personal mesage, where he speaks about his attempts as a teen to gain the favour and love of his own father. He goes on to show how this is in the mentality of many christains that think they can work the're way into the Lord's favour, without realising that we should love God because He first loved us and that we do not need to earn His love and favour because it is already ours in Christ out Lord. One of the best messages I've heard in a long time, it brought me very close to tears, Praise be to God!!!
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| | Grace Upon Grace by Thaddeus Barnum
Topic: Grace | | Description: This sermon brings to us the plain simple but passionate plea of grace, grace that is only found in Christ Jesus. It is shown the false gospel's being preached in our day namely that of we being good enough to merit God's grace. This evil religion that began with cain, let it not be found amongst us. Grace upon grace!
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