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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Gospel

 The Free Offer of the Gospel by John Murray

Topic: Gospel
Description: The mind of the flesh recoils from Christ as the supreme manifestation of God's glory; to believe on Christ is something the natural man cannot do; alongside renewal by the Holy Spirit is the drawing and giving by the Father which enables us to come to Christ; we come because a mysterious transaction has taken place between the persons of the Godhead, the Father making a donation of us to his Son, bringing raptures of holy delight to the Son; stress on the action of God is not inconsistent with stress on the activity of the person being saved; it is a divine impossibility for the Son to refuse anyone presented to him by the Father; no limitation can be placed on the simple word of Christ that whoever comes to Him will in no wise be cast out; sovereign operations of God's efficacious grace and free overtures of the gospel are not antithetical to one another; full and free overtures of the gospel confront your responsibility, and you cannot plead depravity as excuse for unbelief.
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 The First Word of the Gospel by J. Edwin Orr

Topic: Gospel
Scripture(s): Matthew 4:17, Mark 1:15, Luke 15:10  
Description: Dr. Orr discusses the modern corruption of the word 'repent,' what the Scriptural meaning is, and discusses the Greek word that was translated into 'repent.' The main push of the message is that the gospel always begins and continues with repentance, and that the gospel preached without it is not the true gospel at all. "Now, would it not be a master stroke of the enemy of the Christian faith to take the very first word of the gospel and change its meaning...well that's exactly what's been done."
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 Charge That to My Account by Harry A. Ironside

Topic: Gospel
Scripture(s): Philemon 1:8-18  
Description: "Paul might have said, . . . 'Onesimus, I'm going to become your surety. I'll undertake to settle your debt. And I'm going to write a letter to Philemon and I want you to take it to him. Don't plead anything for yourself, just hand him the letter in which he will learn that I'm willing to settle everything in a righteous way.'... "When the Lord Jesus Christ became my surety . . . he went to Calvary's cross, and all my guilt was charged against Him. He settled for everything, and then He cried, 'It is finished.' And on the basis of that finished work, God can freely forgive, and justify completely, every poor sinner who trusts in the Lord Jesus Christ."
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 Mark 4 by Norman Meeten

Topic: Gospel
Scripture(s): Mark 4  
Description: nil
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 Galatians: The Gospel of Grace by Stephen Kaung

Topic: Gospel
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 Jewish Opposition to the Gospel by Art Katz

Topic: Gospel
Description: We don’t know the depth of historical Jewish resistance to the Gospel. Art touches some of the deep-seated reasons for this, and therefore the challenge that is presented before the church.
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 The Blood, the Call, the Promise by David Smith

Topic: Gospel
Scripture(s): Matthew 11:25-27  
Description: A very clear presentation of the Gospel. Brother David wants to leave no doubt, but that everyone under the sound of his voice gets a simple understanding of the blood of Jesus, the power of the call and the promise that is ours, as we respond.
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 The Gospel Paul Preached by J. Glyn Owen

Topic: Gospel
Scripture(s): Galatians 1,1 Corinthians 1:15  
Description: nil
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 (Genesis #5) First Foregleams of Gospel Light by J. Glyn Owen

Topic: Gospel
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 Great Words of the Gospel - Part 6 by Roy Hession

Topic: Gospel
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 Great Words of the Gospel - Part 5 by Roy Hession

Topic: Gospel
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 Great Words of the Gospel - Part 4 by Roy Hession

Topic: Gospel
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 Great Words of the Gospel - Part 3 by Roy Hession

Topic: Gospel
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 Great Words of the Gospel - Part 2 by Roy Hession

Topic: Gospel
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 Great Words of the Gospel - Part 1 by Roy Hession

Topic: Gospel
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 The True Gospel by Andrew Strom

Topic: Gospel
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 The Greatest Story Ever Told by Oswald J. Smith

Topic: Gospel
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 The Gospel of Romans by Keith Daniel

Topic: Gospel
Scripture(s): Romans 1-16  
Description: nil
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 No Gospel For Me! by Rolfe Barnard

Topic: Gospel
Description: nil
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 Try To Determine by Rolfe Barnard

Topic: Gospel
Description: nil
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