| | Your First Mission is Your Family - Don't Let Go Of Them! by Keith Daniel
Topic: Godly Home Scripture(s): 2 Samuel 23:5, Malachi 2:14-16 | | Description: This sermon is over 1 hour and a half, but well worth the listen. Keith Daniel retells many powerful stories about Gods keeping power against the hateful sin of divorce amongst Christians. This is a must hear sermon for any Christian families, what a powerful amount of testimony to overcome the devil.
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| | | | | | | | | The Christ-Centered Home by David Alspaugh
Topic: Godly Home | | Description: Parents are to be obeyed and honored by their children. Children are a heritage from the Lord. Parents must be faithful to God's Word in the discipline and training of their children in order to produce a godly home. There is only one opportunity provided. This sermon provides much practical instruction for parents.
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| | | | | | | Keeping the Hearts of Your Children by Ann Brubaker
Topic: Godly Home | | Description: To “have your child's heart” means they love your authority—not just endure it, not just submit to it, but LOVE it. This teaching covers why it is so important to keep the hearts of your children, some vital ingredients to successfully attaining this blessing, and some practical examples and “how-to's.” Ann closes with two word picture scenarios portraying the importance of the atmosphere that you create in your home and the effect it has on your children.
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