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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Fruitfulness

 How to be fruitful by Devern Fromke

Topic: Fruitfulness
Description: God is calling us to move from the outward to the inward: From the realm of the soul to that of the spirit. From outward activity to inward fellowship with the Lord. Out of this fellowship and communion we will be fruitful. God desires mercy rather than sacrifice.
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 God Gives Blessing to Produce Fruit by George Warnock

Topic: Fruitfulness
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 A Tree And Its Fruit by J. Glyn Owen

Topic: Fruitfulness
Scripture(s): Matthew 12:33  
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 Adorned with Fruit by Alan Martin

Topic: Fruitfulness
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 No Root, No Fruit by Bill McLeod

Topic: Fruitfulness
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 Fruitfulness by George Verwer

Topic: Fruitfulness
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 Four Steps to a Fruitful Christian Life by Paris Reidhead

Topic: Fruitfulness
Scripture(s): Psalms 37  
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 Steps to Fruitfulness by Bruce Wilkinson

Topic: Fruitfulness
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 A Pruned Branch And A Fruitful Bough by E.A. Johnston

Topic: Fruitfulness
Scripture(s): John 15:5  
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 Evergreen Christians by Erlo Stegen

Topic: Fruitfulness
Scripture(s): Matthew 1:18, Galatians 5:22  
Description: In the ancient language the fir referred to fire, an ancient symbol for the spirit. The tree also points upwards. Overseas most trees lose their leaves in winter. There are songs about this fir tree in winter and that it is green even in winter. When I first went to Germany to preach I was struck at how brown the trees look, they looked burnt but the fir tree remains evergreen. Evergreens symbolized the everlasting fire in us. We Christians should also always be green. A Christian should always be beautiful. You can read about the beauty of the faith in Gal 5 like love, patience etc. Also go and read the works of the flesh. The fruit of the Holy Spirit in Gal 5:22 speaks of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, self-control – these fruit decorate the Christian far more beautifully than the Christmas tree. The Lord said, "If they do this to me a green branch how much more to those who are dry branches." The works of the dry tree are evident: immorality, defilement, witchcraft, enmity, strife, fits of anger, rivalries, divisions, orgies and things like this. Those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. This tree speaks of the attractiveness of the Christian.
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