| | The True Vine by Paris Reidhead
Topic: Filled With The Spirit Scripture(s): John 15:1-8 | | Description: John 15:1-8 provides the basis in the Word for seeing and experiencing the Christ-filled life as the secret of victory and power.
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| | | | | | | Be filled with the Holy Spirit - part 1 by Jackie Pullinger
Topic: Filled With The Spirit | | Description: Coming from her own experience, Jackie explains what we pray for when we pray for the Holy Spirit. While trying to reach the lost in the Wall City in Hong Kong, she saw that her approach to sharing Jesus did not work. She was passionate to reach the lost, but she realized she did not have the power to make Jesus known. Her words did not work. This prompted her to seek God and she prayed: "Dear Lord, please give me whatever it is that helps me make Jesus real to the lost. Because the words don't seem to be working." This led to her receiving what is often called the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. She points out that our part as believers is to allow Jesus to reveal Himself to men. She teaches how we must expect and pray that the Spirit of God will meet the spirit of man. God wants us to share spiritual truth with spiritual words (communicating spirit-to-spirit), instead of reasoning with people (communicating mind-to-mind). A final note: The first five minutes of the recording contain a word in tongues with interpretation as well as a prophecy in Chinese that is being translated into English. This may seem unusual if one is not accustomed to the exercise of the gifts of the Spirit. Please let this not keep you from listening on. What follows is a wonderful message on the working of the Holy Spirit that shows that "evangelism" really is not our job but God's.
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| | | Be filled with the Holy Spirit - part 2 by Jackie Pullinger
Topic: Filled With The Spirit Scripture(s): 1 Corinthians 2:13 | | Description: An excellent teaching on the work of the Holy Spirit. Jackie Pullinger speaks about the spiritual realities she has experienced in her ministry in Hong Kong among drug addicts, prostitutes & criminals and backs those up by Scripture. She makes clear that the Holy Spirit lives in every true Christian from his or her new birth on. This inner work of the Holy Spirit grows character and fruit in the believer. Jackie goes on to describe an additional and complementary gift. It is often called the outpouring of the Holy Spirit or the baptism of the Holy Spirit. This experience is accompanied by the evidence of a personal prayer language (speaking in tongues). The outpouring of the Holy Spirit equips the believer with power to share Jesus with the lost. Jackie emphasizes again that we must share spiritual truth with spiritual words (1 Corinthians 2:13). The message starts with several wonderful testimonies of how God revealed Himself to the lost in the Wall City and how drug addicts came off drugs with no medication and no withdrawal symptoms.
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| | | Be filled with the Holy Spirit - part 3 by Jackie Pullinger
Topic: Filled With The Spirit Scripture(s): 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 | | Description: A strong call to receive this promise of power and how to receive it. Jackie lovingly deals with blocks to receiving and describes how we cooperate with God to speak in tongues. She encourages those who have desired to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit before and have not spoken in tongues yet. She distinguishes between the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:1-11) and the personal prayer language. While any believer can be used by God anytime to operate in any of the nine spiritual gifts, he or she does not "own" any of them. The personal prayer language, however, is a gift of God that the believer can "take home" and use anytime.
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| | | | | | | Journey Through The Book Of Acts by K.P. Yohannan
Topic: Filled With The Spirit Scripture(s): Acts | | Description: This is a powerful teaching through the book of Acts. K.P. Yohannan teaches on the necessity to have the power of the Holy Spirit in our lifes to live the real genuine Christian life today. He goes through the book of Acts showing this principle.
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| | | | | Being Filled with the Spirit by Hans R. Waldvogel
Topic: Filled With The Spirit Scripture(s): Hebrews 3:1, Acts 19:2, Ephesians 1:17 | | Description: We need to know the Holy Ghost, because He’s our life. We need to drink of that Fountain of life. It isn’t sufficient to be baptized with the Holy Ghost, but now to walk in the Spirit, “e has translated you out of the kingdom of darkness.” How many people claim to be baptized with the Holy Ghost, and they’re satisfied to still live in the flesh, and they’re satisfied to still be governed by the flesh! That’s where our frowns come from. But beloved, that, the Bible says, is dangerous: “If we live in the flesh, we shall die.” We shall die! “But if ye live in the spirit…” Do you know the Spirit? Do you know the Holy Ghost? Is He your habitation? Is He your realm? Is He the ocean of life and of light and of grace and of love and of joy and of peace into which you’ve been sunk, deeply sunk, so that your whole being has been transformed into this ocean of love? “Have you received the Holy Ghost?”
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