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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Fallen Nature

 Shall the Dust Praise Thee? by Carter Conlon

Topic: Fallen Nature
Scripture(s): Psalm 30:1-12  
Description: November 30, 2008 - Those who are governed by their fallen nature make attempts to be spiritual apart from the enablement of the life of Christ. Satan convinces man that it is of value to live life by self effort. It is this kind or reasoning that leads us into despair. The way out of despair is understanding that Jesus Christ was brought into the deepest places of sin and darkness yet He has triumphed over them. When Jesus Christ went into the grave and resurrected from the dead He broke the power over the devil and despair. We must choose to let God be God in us. This is the finest hour for the Church of Jesus Christ. God is calling us to get up and shake ourselves out of the dust.
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