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| | Faith To Leave The Gas Station by Major Ian Thomas
Topic: Faith Scripture(s): Romans 10:17, Hebrews 4:2, 1 Peter 2:1 | | Description: We are reminded here that we can have all the Biblical knowledge possible, yet still be empty. You must have a personal relationship with Jesus to go out and serve Him. He uses a lot of Scripture confirming this and also shares how one can find such a relationship with Christ.
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| | The Cosmic Setting by Art Katz
Topic: Faith Scripture(s): Psalm 102:13-14 | | Description: The faith is set in the context of a cosmic perspective, presently so lacking in the understanding of contemporary church life. Another unique expression of this timeless theme.
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| | A Declaration of the Faith - Part 6 by Denny Kenaston
Topic: Faith | | Description: The true faith exposes the end-time apostasy, which is producing "Christian" lawlessnes. It opposes amusements and entertainments. The faith is safe, sound security that is conditional. The faith is opposed to any involvement in witchcraft, yet believes in the miraculous. The faith is expressed in modesty and simplicity. The faith is unity in the true body of Christ.
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