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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Ebooks

 (Pdf Book) The Royal Priesthood by Basilea Schlink

Topic: Ebooks
Scripture(s): Revelation 1:5-6, 2 Chronicles 30:27  
Description: In a perishing world crying out for help, messengers are needed who come from the presence of the living God. Today Jesus Christ, our great High Priest, is asking, “Whom shall I send?”
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 (Pdf Book) The Spirit of Truth by Art Katz

Topic: Ebooks
Description: We seek to know biblical truths, but God seeks to make us true. A deep, incisive probing into the nature of truth in an age of religious pretension, exaggeration and deception. This book calls the church back to its essential identity as the “ground and pillar of truth.” You can purchase a hard-copy of this book here:
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 (Pdf Book) Ben Israel - Odyssey of a Modern Jew by Art Katz

Topic: Ebooks
Description: Written as a literal journal, Art recounts his conversion experience as an unbelieving atheist and former Marxist seeking the meaning to life, and finally apprehended in Jerusalem by the God of Israel. You can purchase a hard-copy of this book here:
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 (Pdf Book) Apostolic Foundations by Art Katz

Topic: Ebooks
Description: Art seeks to capture the flavor and meaning of this most holy foundation. Few have adequately understood that unless the Church is built on this foundation, then it simply is not the Church in any authentic way. Includes “Apostolic Conversion”. You can purchase a hard-copy of this book here:
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 (Pdf Book) The Pilgrim Church by E.H. Broadbent

Topic: Ebooks
Description: Edmund Hamer Broadbent (1861–1945) was a Christian missionary and author. John Bjorlie wrote that he was a "tidy-looking English gentleman with a bookish side who discovered ways of slipping into and out of countries that others just assumed were 'closed doors.' He was not a big man, and his pleasant, easygoing manner would not have conjured in your mind the picture of the fearless missionary."Born in Lancashire, England, Broadbent operated under the auspices of the Plymouth Brethren movement. His book, The Pilgrim Church, first published in 1931. The Pilgrim Church is an alternative history of the church, unrecorded by secular history. It covers the history of many small churches throughout the ages that have attempted to follow the New Testament church pattern, the success of those that followed the pattern laid out by the apostles and the consequences to the churches that fell away from the pattern. He looks broadly at many groups such as the Paulicians, the Bogomils, the Nestorians, the Waldensians, the Anabaptists, the Hutterites, the Methodists, the Russian Mennonites and the Mennonite Brethren. He classified early primitive churches to Anabaptist, and to Moravian Brethren were historical Brethren Movement.
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 (Pdf Book) Bride of Christ / 5 Chapters by Basilea Schlink

Topic: Ebooks
Scripture(s): Revelation 19:7-9  
Description: Chosen to be a bride of Jesus Christ, The Lamb of God. Called to the wedding feast of the Lamb. For me, nothing is so wonderful, so precious, as this aspect of the Christian experience. It was, and is, the greatest discovery in my life. And so this little book is not an intellectual discussion about what it means to be a bride of Jesus Christ; rather it is a personal testimony, written against the background of Holy Scripture. Order the complete volume here:
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 (Pdf Book) My All For Him / 5 Chapters by Basilea Schlink

Topic: Ebooks
Scripture(s): Revelation 2:4  
Description: Supremely important today, as possibly never before, is "first love" for Jesus. Only when we have this love will we be able to bear the hard times that lie ahead, hard times such as the world has not yet known. More Christians have been martyred in the last one hundred years than in the previous centuries put together. We live in an age of great apostasy and widespread deception. Whose faith is strong enough to stand up under intense trial? Who can endure? - Only those who have this "first love". Order the complete volume here:
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 (Pdf Book) Realities Of Faith / 4 Chapters by Basilea Schlink

Topic: Ebooks
Scripture(s): Psalm 68:20, Psalm 72:18  
Description: We live in a time like none before. The world is moving rapidly toward a peak of technological development. In all fields man is grasping the tools of power and control. Yet at the same time we are hurtling toward unimaginable catastrophe. A fear and horror of that which is coming has, perhaps to some extent unconsciously, laid its grip on mankind. Yet for Christians the dark night of the future is lit by a brilliant star - the goodness of God the Father. Order the complete volume here:
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 (Pdf Book) Destined To Soar by K.P. Yohannan

Topic: Ebooks
Description: Does it feel like life is closing in on you? K.P. Yohannan shows you the way to rise above the weight of this world and keep your true purpose in clear view. Relevant and incredibly practical, his hope-filled approach to critical issues frees you to be all for Jesus.
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 (Pdf Book) Touching Godliness Through Submission by K.P. Yohannan

Topic: Ebooks
Description: With K.P. Yohannan's candid and down-to-earth style, he approaches the subject of submission—from which many shy away. While the book is thought-provoking and compelling, it's his fatherly concern that leads the reader deeper into this controversial subject. Visit the ministry of Gospel For Asia to obtain this ebook as a paperback and access many other free resources:
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 (Pdf Book) Living In Light Of Eternity by K.P. Yohannan

Topic: Ebooks
Description: Dare to be a world changer! "Living in the Light of Eternity" encourages you to settle for nothing less than God's highest purpose for you life.
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 (Pdf Book) Dependence On The Lord by K.P. Yohannan

Topic: Ebooks
Description: Don't build in vain. Learn how to daily depend upon the Lord - whether in the impossible or the possible -and see your life bear lasting fruit.
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 (Pdf Book) Beauty Of Christ Through Brokenness by K.P. Yohannan

Topic: Ebooks
Description: We were made in the image of Christ that we may reflect all that He is to the hurting world around us. Rise above the things that hinder you from doing this, and see how your life can display His beauty, power and love.
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 (Pdf Book) Head Coverings by K.P. Yohannan

Topic: Ebooks
Description: Wearing a head covering is biblical, and as with all New Testament instructions, it is to be taught and obeyed. However, it must not become a source of division and disunity in the Body of Christ. Let us seek the Lord and His Word with open hearts. May God create within us a deep hunger to be His completely, for time and eternity.
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 (Pdf Book) Against the Wind by K.P. Yohannan

Topic: Ebooks
Description: In this eye-opening book, K.P. Yohannan challenges you to consider how you are running the race God has set before you. Like the apostle Paul, you too can learn what it takes to be able to one day say, "I have fought the good fight; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith," no matter what the obstacles.
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 (Pdf Book) Touching Godliness by K.P. Yohannan

Topic: Ebooks
Description: So often we stand on the outside looking in. We watch others who have a sincere godliness, but it seems beyond our reach. K.P. Yohannan challenges us that we, too, can touch godliness as we follow Jesus down the path of total surrender and submission. Chapter by chapter, he gently confronts us with truth that few others are willing to say—truth that leads to the abundant life we so desire. The included study guide offers thought-provoking questions and pointed action steps to move us from head knowledge to heart transformation.
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 (Pdf Book) inTolerance by Sister Joela

Topic: Ebooks
Description: This booklet by Sister Joela Krueger challenges us to be bold and open about our faith in God and what He says, though the price in the future may be very high. The booklet encourages us to stand up for God and His commandments, yet with a love and compassion that issues from truth and not subjective and deceptive feelings.
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 (Pdf Book) The Cross in the Crossfire by Sister Joela

Topic: Ebooks
Description: "Is the cross becoming an undesirable symbol even in Christian circles? ... As we draw near to the time of Jesus' second coming, it is His cross that will unite or divide us ... How do we prepare and become fireproof Christians?"
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 (Pdf Book) Stepping into the Breach by Basilea Schlink

Topic: Ebooks
Scripture(s): Joel 2:32, Acts 2:21  
Description: Although this arch-enemy, Satan, is attacking our neighbor, or even has him in his hand, we don’t use the weapon of prayer–we don’t step into the breach. Satan doesn’t want us to take his might seri- ously. That is his greatest trick, for then we don’t op- pose him and he can take control of our neighbor, or us, with complete ease. But Jesus has come “... to destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8). And so we must use the victorious name of Jesus in prayer, according to the verse, “All who call upon the name of the LORD shall be delivered” (Joel 2:32 and Acts 2:21).
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 (Pdf Book) When We have Failed, What Next? by K.P. Yohannan

Topic: Ebooks
Description: We all have failed. We cringe at the very thought of it. Under the awful sting of regret and disappointment looms the question: What next? We may feel that we have forfeited God's Plan A for our lives and are now stuck with Plan B. We couldn't, however, be further from the truth. In When We Have Failed-What Next?, K.P. Yohannan graciously takes us on a journey toward a bright and hopeful future. He again and again depicts God's unfailing love for us and His marvelous ability to bring out His very best for our lives, especially in the midst of our failure. Look up, for the best is truly yet to come.
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