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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Disciple of Jesus Christ

 (I Am a Disciple of Jesus Christ) Introduction by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Disciple of Jesus Christ
Description: This is an in-depth definition of true discipleship given in the form of a confession of faith. Brother Denny covers sixteen clear areas of discipleship. These are drawn from teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ and applied to our present-day youth. He challenges youth to shake off the stigma of Generation X and be radical disciples of Jesus.
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 (I Am a Disciple of Jesus Christ) The Spirit Of A Disciple by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Disciple of Jesus Christ
Description: This is an in-depth definition of true discipleship given in the form of a confession of faith. Brother Denny covers sixteen clear areas of discipleship. These are drawn from teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ and applied to our present-day youth. He challenges youth to shake off the stigma of Generation X and be radical disciples of Jesus.
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 (I Am a Disciple of Jesus Christ) The Disciple And His Neighbors by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Disciple of Jesus Christ
Description: This is an in-depth definition of true discipleship given in the form of a confession of faith. Brother Denny covers sixteen clear areas of discipleship. These are drawn from teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ and applied to our present-day youth. He challenges youth to shake off the stigma of Generation X and be radical disciples of Jesus.
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 (I Am a Disciple of Jesus Christ) The Power Of A Disciple by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Disciple of Jesus Christ
Description: This is an in-depth definition of true discipleship given in the form of a confession of faith. Brother Denny covers sixteen clear areas of discipleship. These are drawn from teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ and applied to our present-day youth. He challenges youth to shake off the stigma of Generation X and be radical disciples of Jesus.
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 (I Am a Disciple of Jesus Christ) A Disciple Is Other Worldly by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Disciple of Jesus Christ
Description: This is an in-depth definition of true discipleship given in the form of a confession of faith. Brother Denny covers sixteen clear areas of discipleship. These are drawn from teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ and applied to our present-day youth. He challenges youth to shake off the stigma of Generation X and be radical disciples of Jesus.
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