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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Continuing In Sin

 Continue In Sin by David Wilkerson

Topic: Continuing In Sin
Scripture(s): Romans 6:1-2, Jeremiah 32:39-40, Psalms 89:28-34  
Description: Why do believers continue in sin? Year after year after year they continue in some sort of sin and they never come into the fullness of the Covenant blessing of God. Often times it may well just be one area that remains but nonetheless folks continue in that sin. Wilkerson preaches a very personal message here and he shares his heart and shows his own weakness as an example. The consequences for a Christian continuing in sin are sobering, but he gave us what we needed to overcome sin, if we want to. For those who are sick of their sin, and hate it, and cry out to God, there is wonderful news. He will empower you, and he wants to put his fear in your heart so you will not turn away from him, and then he can take you into the fullness of the new covenant. Powerful preaching, with a gentle compassion for those who are struggling.

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