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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Compassion

 Tokens of His Compassion by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Compassion
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 Invest Your Life in the Harvest, Part One by K.P. Yohannan

Topic: Compassion
Description: K.P. shares how Jesus' compassion can help you find the right priorities for your life. As Christians, what are we supposed to be doing? Listen to these two messages about investing in the harvest. When we are out doing the work that Christ has called us to do, we impact the lives of others. It may not seem like we are doing anything at the time – but our home is not here on earth. Jesus said live for things that will not perish. God is eternal, so live for Him.
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 God's Compassion And Ours by Zac Poonen

Topic: Compassion
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 God Requires Honesty And Compassion by Zac Poonen

Topic: Compassion
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 Called to compassion 1998 by George Verwer

Topic: Compassion
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 Bring Someone To Jesus Christ by Lee Mcclelland

Topic: Compassion
Description: Brother Lee Mcclelland shares his heart towards the needs of reaching out to the lost in the city. He shares the compassion the Lord has for those who society marginalizes and does not help. We all as the body of Christ can share the love of Jesus with others around us, this message will encourage you to do so.
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 Not your sacrifice but compassion by Erlo Stegen

Topic: Compassion
Scripture(s): Matthew 9:13  
Description: nil
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 Called to Compassion by George Verwer

Topic: Compassion
Description: nil
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