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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Communism

 Brainwashing In Communist China (reading) by Richard Wurmbrand

Topic: Communism
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 Communism In China (reading) by Richard Wurmbrand

Topic: Communism
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 History Of The Communist Use Of Church And Religion (reading) by Henry R. Pike

Topic: Communism
Description: Dr. Henry R. Pike was a dedicated missionary and pastor who served for decades in Australia and South Africa. He was actively involved in organizations such as Christian Mission to the Communist World and Voice of the Martyrs, and maintained a close friendship with Pastor Richard Wurmbrand and his family until Wurmbrand's passing in 2001. Beyond his pastoral work, Dr. Pike authored several notable books and lectured extensively on the history of Communism and its impact on the church. His book, A History of Communism in South Africa, revealed previously unknown details about the Communist Party, forcing his family to flee the country. He came to Christ in 1946 through his Sunday school teacher and, at eighteen, lost the use of his legs due to a high school football accident, leading him to use leg braces and crutches for mobility. Dr. Pike held a Ph.D. in religious education and released the documentary Religion Red and Rotten in 1974, exposing the World Council of Churches' financial support for communist-backed terrorist groups in Africa. His work, A History of Communism in South Africa, was the first comprehensive book on the subject. While caring for his son, who was diagnosed with terminal leukemia in Johannesburg, he was inspired to write Suffering and Death, the Saint’s Highest Calling, a work that has brought hope to many around the world. Together with his wife, Addien, Dr. Pike served as a missionary for over five decades.
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 Was Marx A Satanist? (reading) by Richard Wurmbrand

Topic: Communism
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 How Lenin Changed Communism (reading) by Richard Wurmbrand

Topic: Communism
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 A Man Called Lenin (reading) by Richard Wurmbrand

Topic: Communism
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 Tracing Communism Through History - How Communism Operates (reading) by Richard Wurmbrand

Topic: Communism
Description: nil
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 45 - Socialism, Communism and Central planning by Ben Torrey

Topic: Communism
Description: nil
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