| | What is a Christian by Alan Redpath
Topic: Christian Scripture(s): Acts 26:28, Acts 11:26, 1 Peter 4:16 | | Description: Redpath expounds upon the only 3 times in Scripture the word 'Christian' is used. He describes the 'almost' Christian, the 'disciple' Christian, and the 'suffering' Christian, each progressively more deeper in Christ.
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| | | | | | | Who Are the Christians? by Craig Strain
Topic: Christian Scripture(s): Acts 11:19-26 | | Description: The Christian life is an "anointed" life. The word "Christian" has become so common we don't even realize what it means anymore. A Christian is someone who has let Jesus Christ circumcise their heart. The Holy Spirit now resides there, taking away the stony heart of flesh and giving us a wonderful, pure heart.
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