| | A Positive Purposeful God by T. Austin Sparks
Topic: Character Of God Scripture(s): Genesis 1:1-3, Jeremiah 4:1 | | Description: The date delivered was 11/01/1958. The scriptures used in this sermon were Genesis 1:1-3 and Jeremiah 4:1.
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| | HIS Infinitude - Part 1 by A.W. Tozer
Topic: Character Of God Scripture(s): 1 John 4:12-16, John 17:20-23, Revelation 5:9-11 | | Description: The first in three segments of A. W. Tozers message, HIS Infinitude, this is a contemplation of the unbounded and infinity, which no thing and no one is but the Trinity, God Almighty. The message is firmly grounded in 1 John 4:12-16, John 17:20-23, and Revelation 5:9-11. Part 1 is 16 minutes and 42 seconds in length.
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| | HIS Infinitude - Part 2 by A.W. Tozer
Topic: Character Of God Scripture(s): 1 John 4:12-16, John 17:20-23, Revelation 5:9-11 | | Description: The second of three parts to A. W. Tozers message, HIS Infinitude, looks at perfection, which no thing and no one has but God. Dr. Tozer boldly asserts that God takes pleasure in himself, and rejoices in his own perfections, and the pastor cites the beauties of energy, light, and color as evidence of the joy with which God creates. The message is firmly grounded in 1 John 4:12-16, John 17:20-23, and Revelation 5:9-11. Part 2 is 13 minutes and 54 seconds in length.
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| | HIS Infinitude - Part 3 by A.W. Tozer
Topic: Character Of God Scripture(s): 1 John 4:12-16, John 17:20-23, Revelation 5:9-11 | | Description: The conclusion of A. W. Tozers message, HIS Infinitude, is about Gods enthusiasm, and with much enthusiasm does the pastor preach it. When we behold the ebullient wonder of what God has made, we ought to stop thinking like a scientist and start thinking like a psalmist.
Let us not think anymore of God as being heavy browed and gloomy! I repeat that when God made the heaven and earth, they sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy! There wasnt a funeral at the creation of the world; there was an anthem, and all the creature creations sang! And at the incarnation they sang! There was singing at the resurrection and well sing at the rapture and the consummation, and the song will be Worthy is the Lamb! The message is firmly grounded in 1 John 4:12-16, John 17:20-23, and Revelation 5:9-11. Part 3 is 17 minutes and 49 seconds in length.
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| | The Nature of God by Paris Reidhead
Topic: Character Of God Scripture(s): Ezekiel 33:11-13 | | Description: God speaks to each generation in terms of their specific need, but He also speaks in terms of eternal principles.
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| | To See the Living God by David Cooper
Topic: Character Of God | | Description: David Cooper presents a majestic picture of God through the first chapter of Ezekiel. God's glory and splendor upon His throne is beautifully described. He challenges us that one day we will stand before that awesome God. Are we ready?
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| | Gods Love by Corrie Ten Boom
Topic: Character Of God Scripture(s): 1 Corinthians 12:8-11, 1 Corinthians 13, Romans 5:5 | | Description: Through personal experiences and provoking stories, Corrie expounds on the power of God's love as given to believers through His Holy Spirit. In testimony to His faithfulness, she tells of how His love, working in her, freed her from hatred and unforgiveness towards one of the cruelest empires.
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| | The Call Of God - A Loving Father In Heaven by Zac Poonen
Topic: Character Of God Scripture(s): 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, 2 Corinthians 7:1 | | Description: "One of the byproducts of knowing God as Father was it delivered me from competition with other believers," speaks brother Zac. Knowing God as Father is one of his favorite subjects, never tiring to share how much liberty comes in the Christian life, assurance that truly all things work together for good, and the deliverance from counterfeit holiness that comes from the fear of man.
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| | Jehovah Jireh by David Wilkerson
Topic: Character Of God Scripture(s): Genesis 14 | | Description: Gen 14, 17, to 22. Bro. Wilkerson chronicles the life of Abraham's faith, the process of how he learned to trust God through learning who God is in his times of crises. That is when God reveals himself to his children, as they seek him in their time of trials. Part 1 of 8.
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