| | | | The Calling of God by Oswald J. Smith
Topic: Call Of God | | Description: In this message Oswald Smith talks about the Calling of God in Christians lifes paticularly his own calling. Its neat to hear how he had such a hard time doing missionary work but the closed doors were from God to make Him even more effect to setup and fund missionaries primarly from home, bring that awareness and need to the local church body in his area.
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| | | K-048 One Thing You Lack by Art Katz
Topic: Call Of God Scripture(s): Mark 10 | | Description: Katz here expounds upon and builds his message upon the story of the rich man's confrontation with Jesus. "Alot of us are in a much lesser place with God, because we have not understood the totality, the radical demand, the utterness of the whole commitment to God that constitutes entry into the kingdom and also entry into life". Have you yet come to the totality that is intrinsic to the call of God? After listening to this sermon, the answer will no longer elude you.
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| | | | | | | | | | | Running Through the Paper Wall by Carter Conlon
Topic: Call Of God | | Description: God has called us to run the race of faith. Whatever the devil sets before us is only a paper wall. What has the devil written on your wall? If you don’t run through the wall you will remain in the wilderness. The power of God is available for you to run through the wall and fulfill the call on your life.
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