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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Cain

 (1 John #19) Cain-like or Christ-like by J. Glyn Owen

Topic: Cain
Description: nil
Sermon Comments (1)
 The Way Of Cain by Zac Poonen

Topic: Cain
Scripture(s): 1 John 3:12-13  
Description: Brother Zac Poonen shares on the subject of the "Way Of Cain." This message is a strong Biblical warning and such a message is rarely heard in any churches. Some of the eternal truths shared in this message are absolutely essential for leadership of churches to appropriate and know. Oh may we repent where it is needed and fully God with a full heart of faith in these terrible last days. Are you in the way of Cain or in the way of Abel?
Sermon Comments (6)
 (Church of Cain) Works of Cain - Part 4 by Ralph Sexton

Topic: Cain
Scripture(s): Genesis 4:1-5  
Description: nil
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 (Church of Cain) The Words Of Cain - Part 3 by Ralph Sexton

Topic: Cain
Scripture(s): Matthew 24:37-39, Genesis 4:1-10  
Description: nil
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 (Church of Cain) The Way Of Cain - Part 2 by Ralph Sexton

Topic: Cain
Scripture(s): Genesis 4:1-10  
Description: nil
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 (Church of Cain) The Church Of Cain - Part 1 by Ralph Sexton

Topic: Cain
Scripture(s): Genesis 4, Luke 17:26-30  
Description: As parents are we producing children of Cain or children of Abel? Ralph Sexton contrasts Cain and Abel to today, especially in light of Jesus' words that His coming would be at a time like the days of Noah.
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 The Way of Cain by Steve Gallagher

Topic: Cain
Description: In this passionate talk, Steve addresses the great reality of our day: a multitude of churchgoers with no more than “a form of godliness.” As he explains, there is a spiritual dynamic involved with a person falling away from God. Could his explanation bridge the gap between Calvinism and Arminianism? The key to this longstanding debate could very well be found in ‘The Way of Cain.’
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