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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Burnt Offering

 The Burnt Offering by Roy Hession

Topic: Burnt Offering
Scripture(s): Genesis 22:7-8, Hebrews 11:17-19, Leviticus 1:3-4  
Description: Here in Genesis we read of the Lord testing Abrahams faith, which is confirmed in Hebrews 11. Isaac was to be the burnt offering which would produce a sweet smelling savour to the Lord, we see him here in the place of the lamb that bows his head instead of stiffening his neck. Pastor Hession shows there are 3 key sayings in these verses, 1: Where is the Lamb? when we are stubborn and self willed where are the lamb like qualities in us that marked the life of our Lord? 2: God will provide Himself a Lamb, this He did in the form of his Son, the Lord Jesus, Who was the only One Who could offer up a sweet smelling savour to God. 3: He shall be accepted for Him, here is the wonder of His substitution for us that God credits to us the sweet savour that ascended up from Calvary.
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