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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Blood Of Christ

 (1 Peter - Part 15): The Precious Blood, Our Only Hope by A.W. Tozer

Topic: Blood Of Christ
Scripture(s): 1 Peter 18-19  
Description: Bro. Tozer splits this up into two parts, the foolish life that we are saved from and what it is that saves us. Given are reasons why our former life and that of unredeemed sinners is pure foolishness, and why it holds such power over us. Then goes on to explain the preciousness of the blood of Jesus and just how precious it is.
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 When I See The Blood by Roy Hession

Topic: Blood Of Christ
Scripture(s): Exodus 12:3-14  
Description: Here in Exodus we read of a lamb which is never too small for any house but if it is too great the Lord commands it be shared with the stranger, it is also of note that it is lamb singular not plural. Pastor Hession shows that it was not enough for the blood of the lamb to be spilled it had to be applied and sprinkled just as we need to be covered in the blood of the Lamb who is the Lord Jesus, slain from the foundations of the world. And when God sees the blood He will 'passover' which here in the hebrew conveys a sense of God standing over us in a protective way. We also see that we cannot pin our own works to the doorposts of our hearts but on the blood of the Lamb.
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 The Power of the Blood by Roy Hession

Topic: Blood Of Christ
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 When I see the Blood 3 by Roy Hession

Topic: Blood Of Christ
Scripture(s): Exodus 12:3-14  
Description: When God looks upon us He wants to see one thing, the Blood of the Lord Jesus freshly sprinkled with prayer, repentence and faith. How often though when He looks upon us He sees sin frechly commited and how it must grieve Him. Charles Finey said that 'God looks upon sin as persisting until it is repented of,' and when He sses this sin He is unable to defend us like He would desire to because of our unrepentent state. But, Hallelujah, when He sees the blood He will stand over us and protect us a face of anything that comes against whether it be sin Hell or the devil himself. The answer to our sin is not more good works but the blood of the Lord Jesus.
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 Purchased With Blood by William MacDonald

Topic: Blood Of Christ
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 The Blood by John Rhys Watkins

Topic: Blood Of Christ
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 Redemption Through His Blood by Charles E. Fuller

Topic: Blood Of Christ
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 The Power of the Blood - Sermon 3 of 5 - Every Blessing by the Blood by Roy Hession

Topic: Blood Of Christ
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 The Power of the Blood - Sermon 4 of 5 - The Sprinkling of the Blood by Roy Hession

Topic: Blood Of Christ
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 The Power of the Blood - Sermon 5 of 5 - The Holy Place or the Holiest by Roy Hession

Topic: Blood Of Christ
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 The Blood Of The Lamb by Art Katz

Topic: Blood Of Christ
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 The Blood of Christ by Roy Hession

Topic: Blood Of Christ
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 The Blood of Jesus Christ by Al Whittinghill

Topic: Blood Of Christ
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 Sprinkled By the Blood by Bob Sorge

Topic: Blood Of Christ
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 The Power of the Blood by Erlo Stegen

Topic: Blood Of Christ
Scripture(s): Hebrews 11:26, Revelation 7:14  
Description: The life is in the blood. Blood is so complex that even the scientists struggle to fully understand it. For example when you're cut, your body immediately reacts and sends the white blood cells to fight the infection. The dead white blood cells are then expelled as puss. In the same way the Blood of Christ cleanses us from all unrighteousness to counter any poison of sin that enters. The blood is like petrol that allows your body to function. The other members of the body remains in its place, but the blood is present right through your body. The blood also carries oxygen throughout your body. It also gets rid of impurities and acts like a refuse remover. We speak so glibly about the Blood of Christ, little realising what it does. It brings us life and that's why the devil hates it.
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 The Power Of The Blood Of Jesus by T.J. Malcangi

Topic: Blood Of Christ
Scripture(s): Colossians 1:20  
Description: What is covenant? What did Jesus mean when He said He made a NEW COVENANT in HIS BLOOD? Understanding your basic COVENANT RIGHTS is crucial to gaining VICTORY. "They overcame him (Satan) by the BLOOD of the Lamb and the word of their testimony..." Learn about the PROTECTIVE POWER of covenant! The world will continue to experience calamity on a global scale, now is the time to discover what the shedding of Christ's blood signified for you & your family!
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 The Purifying Blood by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Blood Of Christ
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 The Blood by Phil Beach Jr.

Topic: Blood Of Christ
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 The Blood Speaks by Michael Koulianos

Topic: Blood Of Christ
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 The Stain of the Blood by Michael Koulianos

Topic: Blood Of Christ
Description: nil
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