| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Follow the Star by Erlo Stegen
Topic: Birth Of Jesus Scripture(s): Matthew 2:1-12 | | Description: I will speak about these wise men from the East. We are not exactly sure where they came from because it just says the East but it could have been China or one of those lands there. That doesn’t trouble us exactly where they were from. But we know that they travelled very far to come to the Kong who had been born. Neither do we know who told them that this Child would be born. It is only the Bible that prophesies about His birth. There were no other historical references. But we do know there had been prophets like Daniel (who had lived most of his life in an Eastern kingdom) and others who had prophesied about it. The Magi saw the star and they said that indicated that the King had been born in Israel. Unfortunately, they presumed that if a king was born in Israel then he had to be born in Jerusalem, the capital. So they started their long journey to Jerusalem.
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