| | | | Believe In The Light Lest Darkness Come Upon You by David Wilkerson
Topic: Belief Scripture(s): John 12:23-36,Isaiah 42:18-25 | | Description: When we think of darkness, we think of the unsaved. If you are a child of God, and you are walking around plagued by indecision, confusion, fear, insecurity or despair, this message is needful. When we don't appropriate the Word of God that we hear, and believe it, darkness of the mind comes. Do you put yourself down, feeling you'll never measure up to God's expectation? There is help for you. God wants to help.
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| | | | | The Incredible Signs That Follow Those Who Believe by Carter Conlon
Topic: Belief Scripture(s): Jeremiah 13:12, 1 Corinthians 10:11, 2 Timothy 3:16 | | Description: June 11, 2006 This is a message for those who think they have failed God and made a mess out of their life. God has intertwined His life with His church and it doesnt matter how far we have fallen we are never out of God's reach. Those who are in Christ will not be overcome by the enemy. The serpent will not take us but rather we will take him up and whatever death the enemy has caused us to swallow it wiil not harm us. God will fill us with His power and His life will overflow with healing through us onto a sin sick world. These are the signs that will follow those who choose to believe.
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| | | | | | | | | Fully Persuaded by David Wilkerson
Topic: Belief | | Description: April 26, 2009 - It is so important for Christians to be fully persuaded of what they believe. We must be fixed on the fact that nothing can separate us from the love of God, and that God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. It is time for the Church of Jesus Christ to rise up and pray in the power of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Spirit is the revealer of truth. He makes the truth of God's Word go from our head into our heart. Through the fires and through the floods God's people will stand in the Grace of God.
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| | | Do We Really Believe What We Say We Believe by K.P. Yohannan
Topic: Belief | | Description: John says if we love Jesus we will obey His commands, but are we willing to do that? He tells us to love and serve each other, do we? Or do we get so caught up in ourselves that the billions who have never heard of Jesus doesn’t break our hearts. Jesus sacrificed Himself for us. What we can do though is show Him how much we love Him in our everyday life, by obeying, listening, and doing what His Word tells us to do.
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