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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Barrenness

 Barrenness by David Smithers

Topic: Barrenness
Scripture(s): Genesis 2:18-23, 1 Samuel 1:6-20, Genesis 30:1-3  
Description: "Barrenness," says David Smithers, "is a failure to fulfill our created purpose." Smithers' prayer sums up the passionate appeal of his message: "God, convict me; show me how barren I am and let me sense the reproach, the shame, of being barren." Are we fruitful? Are we brokenhearted over our barrenness through humility, repentance and prayer? NOTE: "Barrenness" and "Barrenness (High Quality)" are the same message.
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 Barrenness (High Quality) by David Smithers

Topic: Barrenness
Scripture(s): Genesis 2:18-23, 1 Samuel 1:6-20, Genesis 30:1-3  
Description: "Barrenness," says David Smithers, "is a failure to fulfill our created purpose." Smithers' prayer sums up the passionate appeal of his message: "God, convict me; show me how barren I am and let me sense the reproach, the shame, of being barren." Are we fruitful? Are we brokenhearted over our barrenness through humility, repentance and prayer? NOTE: "Barrenness" and "Barrenness (High Quality)" are the same message.
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