| | Balance, Not Tangents by George Verwer
Topic: Balance Scripture(s): Acts 20:29, Ephesians 4:15 | | Description: Verwer explains that balance is not compromise but is holding various strong scriptural truths in the light of other strong scriptural truths. He lists many tangents that need to be avoided. Although we must "not be nibblers of the possible but grabbers of the possible" this needs to be held in balance with common sense. There are many tensions that need to be maintained between seeming opposites in the journey to being more Christ-like.
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| | | Balance Of Truth - 1 by Zac Poonen
Topic: Balance Scripture(s): 2 Timothy 3:16, Colossians 1:28-29 | | Description: Much error that comes into Christianity is not because people teach error but because one truth is magnified so much at the expense of another truth. Zac Poonen concentrates on six areas where we need to be balanced, the first two expounded in this sermon: 1) faith and works, and 2) love for God and love for man.
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| | | Balance Of Truth - 2 by Zac Poonen
Topic: Balance | | Description: Two more vital areas of balance in the Christian life are: 3) truth and grace, and 4) fruit and gifts of the Holy Spirit. Brother Zac strikes at the heart of these areas working together to grow up more and more into a perfectly balanced human being as Jesus was.
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| | | Balance Of Truth - 3 by Zac Poonen
Topic: Balance Scripture(s): 1 Timothy 3:5, Mark 16:15, Matthew 28:18 | | Description: If we mix up the biblical priorities between our personal life and our church life--the Lord Jesus, then family, then church/ministry--we will go astray. Brother Zac encourages seeking to build fellowship with radical, wholehearted disciples while being available to serve others. What about the right emphasis on evangelism and discipleship making? Gain practical insight in these areas that often trip people up in their Christian walk!
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